Never Bernie? - Cast your POTUS vote here.

If you have never seriously considered voting for Trump, BUT, Bernie Sanders is the Democratic Party nominee for 2020, are you someone who will?:

a) Hold your nose and vote for Trump
b) Stay home
c) Write in a name
d) Nosy little fucker, aren’t you?

Please explain and include your political affiliation.

I voted third party in 2016 and am going to do so again this November. That was always going to be the case regardless of who the (D) nominee was, as long as Trump was the ®. So it’s not about Bernie for me.
Affiliation: independent

Thank you for responding. However, I want to focus on those who are specifically turned off by Bernie Sanders.

You’re not going to make this an actual poll?

Damned pollsters!

I’m going to vote Dem for the first time for president this year. If Bernie or Warren is the candidate I’ll vote for Cory Gardener for Senate to do my part to ensure that the Republicans retain control of the senate.

I’m a registered Libertariasn

I’m a lifelong Democrat and no fan of Bernie at all. Your option e) should be, “Vote for Bernie because he, for all his many flaws, is 'waaaaaay better than the incumbent.” But lacking that option, I selected d).

That’s quite missing the point of my question. We already have enough threads about how more Trump is the worst of all possible outcomes.

I’m interested in those who, don’t like Trump, but believe Bernie is the worst of all possible outcomes.

You left out the third party option, which is most likely to be my choice this year, unless I write myself in.

I’m an independent, right-leaning moderate.

So you’re looking for the set of people who don’t like Trump, but who think Bernie is worse?

I’ll say this… you’ll be surprised how many people like that there are out there if he’s nominated. The devil you know, and all that.

I’ll vote for Sanders and hope for a miracle.

So you’re looking for the set of people who don’t like Trump, but who think Bernie is worse?

Yes, I am.

No, I won’t.

I don’t really expect to find many of them in this population sample. I know only of one so far, but thought I’d give it a shot anyway.

I am not sure I am eligible to vote in your poll, because I have considered voting for Trump, but didn’t. (I voted for the Libertarian, in hopes they would get enough votes to qualify in my state for major party status and wouldn’t have to do the petition thing to get on the ballot. It didn’t work.)

In case I am eligible for the poll, if Bernie is the Democratic nominee, and it looks at all possible that he might win, I will vote for Trump.

Out there in the electorate? Very likely. On the SDMB? Almost certainly not. I have seen too many posts saying they will vote for the Democrat no matter what to believe otherwise.

And I don’t think the problem for Sanders will be that Biden supporters or Warren supporters or Buttigieg supporters or any-other-Democrat supporters will say “if I can’t vote for my guy I will vote for Trump”. The problem will be that they stay home and don’t vote at all.

In the end it probably won’t make any difference. Everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again, swing voters will notice the economy booming and vote for Trump, and Republicans who don’t want a socialist in the White House will vote for Trump. The yellow dog Democrats and the Bernie Bros will vote for Bernie, and everyone else will vote if they get around to it. Or not.


Bernie is not my first choice nor my second but I don’t hate him or fear him. I don’t hate/fear any of the candidates except trump.

I would think that would be hopeless. I understand you want to get Libertarians on the ballot, but I think the most important thing now is to get Trump voted out of office.

I don’t.


I haven’t liked Sanders since back when he was the Mayor of Burlington.

But if he gets the nomination, I will vote for him. He’s a bad choice but he’s better than Trump.

I don’t know why you’re mincing about. You already said you’d vote for Trump if Sanders was the Dem nominee. It’s an inconsequential poll, not a legally binding agreement.

Ditto. This was the only choice I could conceivably make. I’m a registered Democrat.

I guess the “Never Bernie?” part of the OP subject line wasn’t sufficiently clear to eliminate all those for whom Bernie is not a “never” proposition.