New boobs

My wife has chosen to get bigger breasts. They’re going in tomorrow, and we’ve read and understand the literature that the physician has given us. We feel very comfortable with the doctor and the explaination of the procedure. They will be placed submammary using an inframammary incision. 350cc.

However, I believe there are probably issues that were not addressed, and can only be learned through experience.

Is there anything I can do to help her be more comfortable for the next few days? She’s stubborn, and believes she will be up and at 'em the following day. I disagree.

Understand, this is not a solicitation for medical advice, but a request for real-life experiences from those in the know.

Thank you in advance.

A lady had a bit more than just breast implants a few months ago, but here’s her accounts:

I didn’t want to be the first post and bum you out, so I waited to be the second.

My neighbor saved and saved until he had enough to get his wife a boob job. She never came home from the hospital.

Ran off with a truck driver.