New BSG series: What is Six's "God"?

In the new Battlestar Galactica series, Six the Sexy Cylon is always talking about “God.” When she showed up in material form and accused Baltar of treason, she obviously was trying to put the fear of God into him (worked, too). But what is her “God”? Is it the same thing Jews, Christians and Muslims mean by “God”? The same thing as the humans’ “Lords of Kobol”? Or does she mean this series’ equivalent of the Cylon Imperious Leader, if there is one? Or perhaps the collective mind of all Cylons?

The Cylons are monotheists; the Colonials are polytheists. Colonial religion appears to be based on ancient Greek paganism. The Gods/Lords of Kobol are based on the Olympian Gods; Zeus, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, & Athena have all been mentioned. In a deleted scene for episode 12 (Kobol’s Last Gleaming) the priestess Elosha said that millenia ago one jealous god (sound familiar?) demanded to be elevated above the others. Whether or not said god is the Cylon God is unclear; Six and Doral have denied the existance of other gods. It’s not even clear whether any gods (Colonial or Cylon) actually exist isn’t clear. The Cylon God appears to have alot in common with the one Jews, Christians, & Muslims worship.

Or it’s possible that the Cylons are just plain crazy. Or to put it more charitably, it could be that religious belief is inherent to sentience and conciousness. Certainly the utter denial the Colonials have that the Cylons could possibly be anything but automatons seems telling.

If it was deleted, how do you know about it?

SciFi posts the deleted scenes on it’s BSG page. Whether a deleted scene is canon is open to debate.