We got a new female cat 1 week ago. The cat is pretty nice, but she is always hiding in small spaces. We got her mainly for my tween-aged daughter, but I’m a cat person as well, and we are both a bit bummed about the situation.
Some facts: She is 1 years old, and before we got her, she had some kittens, which were given away, and then she was spayed. She was with the “cat rescue lady” for about 3 weeks before we got her.
She seems very scared. Every noise startles her (dishes in the kitchen, doors closing, etc). She sometimes comes and sits on the couch next to us, and we pet her and she purrs, but she looks very restless, and in a couple of minutes leaves and goes and hides.
Only twice did she stay on the couch long enough to fall asleep for an hour or so.
The previous tenants of the house we are in had a couple of dogs. Is it possible that there is a lingering dog smell in the house, which she smells and it makes her scared?
The lady that we got the cat from had said that she is a very cuddly cat and loves people, so the behavior we are seeing is unexpected. Also we have had cats in the past, and none behaved like this.
My guesses as to what might be going on:
[li]Being in a new house makes her scared (how long does it take to get used to a new house?)[/li][li]The lingering dog smell makes her scared.[/li][li]She is simply a “scaredy cat” and this is her character and she will always be like this.[/li][li]She doesn’t like human companionship much (compared, for example, with our previous cats who would come and sit on our laps and love to stay there and be petted)[/li][li]Other?[/li][/ul]
Any insights? Is this something that we just need to wait out, or will she likely always be like this?