My wife needed to replace her phone.
We do not have web access on our AT&T plan so the phones are like standard with hers being a Pantech that was replaced with another Pantech NUE.
She is as of today on the third new phone and this one is also not working for her.
We live almost under a cell phone tower and the old phone and my always registered full signal at all times.
These new phones are not working. One min. There is signal and the next there is nothing and calls go to the mailbox.
Some times turning the phone off then back on will work, the sim card was replaced with the first new phone.
I carry a SamSung rugby and never any problems but she wants a phone with a keyboard.
Could anyone please give us some sugjestions?
She is wondering if not having a data plan is causing this.
SO is going through this with his new phone. He has Sprint, they said it’s from damage to the towers from Sandy. Other phones in his area work, just not the new one.
Don’t know if that is the truth or why yours is not working.
Sprint told him it would be fixed by the 10th.
Thank you for the reply;
after the second phone replacement, the sales agent said there were issues with an earlier batch of phones but that that issue had been dealt with.
This is second hand and its hard to get her through all my questions because she is so frustrated with the whole issue.
Her text function failed on the old phone, after clearing all back log messages she is unable to do a new text as the phone gives a message that the box if full or something like that.
Maybe a re-boot would clear that up if it can be done??
We called back today and they did a reboot and it didn’t work.
He’s getting a replacement, new this time.
Please keep me updated. :dubious:
This sounds like a HW problem in the phones to me. Possibly a design issue where that model is bad. If you have another phone on the same carrier that gets good signal, then it’s probably not the tower or service.
She will be back in to the ATT&T store monday morning.
The 3rd new phone is nor working although it is a little bit better than the other 2
I had to call my daughter from the hunting shack to drive over and relay messages to the Ms.
This is getting very old. :mad:
Does she keep getting the same brand and model of phone?
If there is a design issue in the phone, it won’t matter how many times she replaces it - it still won’t work for her. She may need to get a different model or brand.
Ahh, but did they specify the month or year?
After 5 different phones and 6 different SIM cards she is now carrying a phone that is 100% functional, but she is not at all happy with the phone.
The phone she has is a flip phone Pantech model P2030
The phones she wanted have the full keypad and she isn’t liking the phone keypad for texting.
But living in the morning shadow of the cell tower and having no signal with the other style phones, well, it’s not right but she will survive.
She will tell anyone that it’s an “on purpose” ploy to push people into getting Smart Phones,
However I will not upgrade our plan for that, period…