There is a new generation of electric toothbrushes (Sonicare and Braun) that are rechargable. The toothbrush sits in a little holder to be recharged yet there does not appear to be any metal-to-metal contact. How do these things work? Is this a new technology that we will start to see with other devices? I don’t see other rechargeable items such as cell phones that recharge in this manner.
3rd May: Hpow Does My Sonicare Charge
We now have toothbrushes that move the bristles in three dimensions; how long must we wait for 4? (or wouldn’t they be here already?)
They’re very good, Mangetout. I’ve had mine for about 18 months after a recommendation by Dr Who. They do actually take care of ‘dark matter’ which, if Hawkin is correct, comprises the fifth dimension. As for the fourth, they utilise linear time by reminding you every 30 seconds or so to move to another brushing area. Very boring in that respect but convenient.
That’s not quite what I’m after L_C; I want one that will brush my teeth more thoroughly twenty years ago.