Anyone else watching the new season? Once you get over the departed cast members, I think the show is still pretty magical. I think my favorite episode so far was “Basic RV Repair and Palmistry” where they go on an RV trip to sell a giant hand that the dean paid way too much for.
The new cast member Frankie has grown on me, she is the responsible one to push against the wackiness of Greendale.
To recap, Yahoo! financed a 13 episode season, and so far 12 have been released. The last will be available on Tuesday, June 2, 2015. It is still unknown if there will be a subsequent movie or season 7.
The paintball episode was the first one of this season that did not make me state “Worst episode ever!”. Although I came close to saying it during the last 2 minutes of the show.
I think they’ve all be fine episodes. And fun! Not sure what you guys are expecting from them. They are just going flat-out silly with a dash of meta and it’s a good time.
Community seems to inspire strangely extreme views in people. The tide of opinion seems to be turning against it because it was so evangelized earlier.
I have enjoyed the Yahoo season quite a bit. Not as good as the show at its best, but still always fun to watch. I was genuinely surprised by how much I liked the new paintball episode. I thought they had fully exhausted the premise, but the espionage angle was great.
I’m a bit undecided about them. I think “I can’t remember much about them”, then remember the one where The Dog gets a Degree, or the tablet prisoners attending the school, or the grift one and the virtual reality one. The karate kid one was quite good too…
I do think Chang taking the simpleton role that Troy used to have isn’t quite as good. I miss the team that was Troy and Abed, simpleton and autistic works for me…
I tried watching the episodes, but video quality was really poor; it was jerky and stopped repeatedly. On the other hand, I had no problems watching episodes of Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley and Veep via the HBO Go site. So I don’t think the problem was with my broadband connection. I really wish they’d put the episodes up on the Comcast On Demand site or let Netflix host them. Yahoo’s technology doesn’t seem up to the task. (Somewhat ironic, given that they bought Mark Cuban’s for five billion back during the dotcom era.)
I’ve restarted my efforts of watching these again – I first tried on my PC but it was difficult when it would break for ads and the ads would freeze or it wouldn’t go back to the show. I have Yahoo Screen on my tablet and phone now and that works better, though there are still ads. The last one I saw was Grifting 101 but I also just saw Modern Espionage last week.
I like this season, it feels like they’re getting back into their pre-season 4 stride. For one, Chang is less annoying in these episodes and is getting funny/interesting stuff to do. Harmon seems to have a unique ability to keep all these pieces in place and it also seems like Yahoo is letting him stretch a little bit and tell the stories that he wants to.
I’ve had some trouble with the player. I’ve noticed sometimes after commercials it won’t buffer properly and I have to pause it and wait for the gray line to build up a bit before it will play stutter-free. Also a couple times after commercials it restarted the episode instead of at the correct place. Luckily I was able to click on the seek bar to the correct place and it didn’t show more commercials.
So I’d give their player a C-.
FWIW I use a fresh Chrome browser with no adblock or script blocking to watch web videos from sites like Yahoo, Hulu, or It’s too much trouble to get them working otherwise.
I thought the latest wedding episode was pretty hilarious and clever. The message from the “writer(?)” at the end, was that a joke or serious? I assume a joke, but it was very strange.