The following was Userfriendly’s Link of the Day.
It’s a graphical puzzle/adventure game. It seems to be quite interesting, although I haven’t gotten very far yet…
Second area, with the clock and the computer. We’ll see.
Hinky linky fixified - UB
Doh, sorry about the bad link. (Preview is my friend…) Here it is again: Userfriendly
New information: There seems to be some sort of help menu, vaguely accessible from the top right side of the screen (I think). I used it to turn text descriptions on, which may be helpful.
I can’t seem to do anything with the diskette box.
Legomancer, are there diskettes in the diskette box? Can you open it? perhaps use them with the computer?
Where did you find the diskette box?? 
Got it now. I missed a particular detail. Now I’m in the next room…
The box is on top of the bookcase.
Thanks, Mullinator, that was driving me crazy. I think I need to turn up the lighting on my screen or something…
Double woohoo, room #4! Of course, it would be nice to know how many I have to go.
I’m confused - what am I supposed to do in the first room with the poster and the key and the screw driver? Ok - what am I supposed to do in the first room with everything?
On a roll! Room 5 looks interesting
OK - now I managed to get into the computer room. No luck there yet though.
Finished it! There’s a long sequence of “odd man out” on a lock. Had to guess on one of them and I’m still not sure why that one was the odd one. Some of them are pretty tricksy.
How do I use the diskette in the computer? I can’t get it to rest on the table. Help.
I still don’t know why P was the odd one out. That one escaped me completely.
I want that flag in the computer room. 
I’m so confused now! Even more so than before. I’m in the room with the walking bridge. Can someone help me?
After that infernally long lock, the next room was a cake walk.
Yeah, I’m not sure why some of the buttons on the IntelliLock are correct… had to guess on two or three.
Skittles, you don’t need to get the diskette to rest on the table, you just need to put the diskette into the disk drive (by clicking on in it your inventory at the top of the screen, and clicking on the disk drive). Of course, if you don’t have the diskette out of the box yet, you’re missing something else …
I’m up to the room with the color wheel and framed wheel, just past the motorcycle room. (I didn’t open the locker near the motorcycle, so I hope that wasn’t important.) Now I can’t figure out this elevator…