New game: Dead Guy in the Envelope

They play this game on a local radio show here in Houston.

The premise: I have the name of a dead guy (no females) in an envelope. Each player asks one yes or no question, trying to determine the identity of the dead guy. On the radio show, a person usually doesn’t get to call in again and ask a second question (because of the nature of calling into the station.) But, we’ll have to make an exception here. I only ask that players give others a chance to ask questions, too.

I hope I’ve explained enough. Let the game begin! Fire away!

Darn. You get to ask a yes or no question, THEN guess the name of the dead guy. Clear? (Sorry about that.)

Did this person live during part or all of the 20th century?


Then I’ll guess … Dwight Eisenhower.




It’s tough to be first!

Was this person a political figure?

Nope. Next?

Recap: Lived in 20th century, was not in politics.

Was he under 65 when he died?

I, too, will guess Dwight Eisenhower.

No, wait. Um…Jim Morrison.


Was he … murdered?

Not Jim Morrison.

You need to wait for the guess! :wink:

No, not murdered.

Oh, my God, it’s me, isn’t it?!? :eek: This is just like that movie!

OK, not murdered, not in politics, lived in 20th century, over 65 at death.

Was he an entertainment figure?


Jimmy Stewart?