New HGTV Show - "House Hazards" - It's Exciting!

HGTV’s “House Hazards” - it’s kind of like “MythBusters,” except for household stuff. For example, they had a pot of hot oil on the stove, and dumped some water into it. Instant fireball! Then they added some more water, and had practically the whole kitchen engulfed in flames.

They also experimented with a helium tank, like you would use to fill up balloons for a kid’s party. Holy crap, did that thing ever go off!

So, we have the warning aspect of the show (don’t put out oil fires with water - seriously), but also, everything seems to blow up on this show, and I give that two thumbs up. :slight_smile:

I just searched my UVerse HGTV and couldn’t find it. I double check the link you provided above and it’s supposed to show next on Tuesday, Oct 23rd. I looked at my uverse schedule for HGTV and it’s House Hunters. What the hell, man? :frowning: This looks like a neat program.

It is a neat program - I was hoping that it wasn’t just being shown in Canada, but maybe it is. I wonder if it’s streaming online anywhere where the rest of the world can watch it.

Aw, too bad it isn’t here. I have a bunch of stuff I’d like to see.
Sticking a fork into an outlet.
Deep frying a turkey indoors.
Indoor use of kerosine heaters.
Frayed Christmas lights on tree (did Mythbusters do this?).
Improper storage of propane tanks.
Changing light fixture without turning off juice.
Fixing plumbing without turning off water.
I could go on. and on. And on. . .

Yeah, Biggirl, I think the DIY Network has that show, it’s called Renovation Realities or something like that. Especially the plumbing and electrical stuff…

So much of HGTV’s programming in the US is Canadian taht it wouldn’t surprise me if this new program eventually made it onto the schedule down here too.

(As an aside, it amuses me that HGTV seems to scrupulously avoid pointing out to its US audience that a show is taking place in Toronto, and yet so much of its programming highlights one of the few words – “house” – that immediately differentiates typical US vs. Canadian accents.)

They did blow up a septic tank - the first explosion was okay, but nothing special. Then they turned it up to “11” - that was quite the shit-storm. :slight_smile:

The special effects guy who was responsible for brewing the mix that exploded has an Adam from Myth Busters-like insane glee about him.

Well, he gets to blow shit up for a living.

Don’t you mean “hoose”?

If this is related to the myth that Canadians say, “aboot” instead of “about,” I’ve found a video for you - this young girl is kind of an idiot, but she says “about” very close to the way I say it, and the way everyone I know says it.

Just my opinion, of course. :slight_smile:

What do you mean? That unlike Americans, we don’t jam a “road” in front of it?

What, like “tunafish,” because apparently US Americans are confused by all that tunabeef and tunachicken?

It’s frightening how much my kids are enjoying this show…

Well, theoretically they’re learning all the things not to do. :slight_smile: