New Movie Trailer "Spring Breakers"

Hey, I’m all for hot women in bikinis, including Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens, but Spring Breakers just looks god-awful.

Looks like I’ll be waiting for the dvd, so I can skip to the “good” parts.

Hmmmm, I was confused to see James Franco’s involvement- he’s usually pretty discriminating in his choices of projects- then I saw it’s directed by Harmony Korine.

Now, being directed by Harmony Korine doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be good- in fact it could be very very bad. However, being directed by Harmony Korine means that it could be interesting and I can very well imagine an actor like James Franco being interested in the experience of working with Harmony Korine.

The idea of seeing two girls who were cranked out by the Disney Channel Machine featured in a fucking Harmony Korine movie kinda blows my mind.

By the way, I think James Franco is a talented actor but if he can succeed in making me see that character rather than seeing James Franco wearing stupid cornrows then I will crown this his greatest ever achievement in his craft.

The trailer features a decent shot of the four of them in their bikinis. Even at age 20, Selena Gomez’s body is too little girl-ish looking for me to think of her as sexually attractive.

Sounds like it could be pretty interesting.

From the wiki:

Regarding the quote above about Franco being a cross between Bo Derek in 10 and Richard Kiel in Moonraker, here’s a photo of him in character to help you with that mental picture.


Really? James Franco? You’re saying James Franco is discriminating in his choice of movie roles? James Franco? The man picks roles by throwing a dog into a pile of scripts and saying “yes” to whichever one the dog brings back.

Yeah, I’m definitely a James Franco fan but the last thing he is is discriminating - at least when it comes to working with friends of his (ie: “Your Highness”). The guy just loves to act and will act in just about anything, including soap operas.

I like him a lot, but he’ll work in just about any kind of project.

He looks in that picture EXACTLY the way I pictured him! Ew!

And Harmony Korine’s daughter is one of the four young women in the film. No way that could be awkward.

This might be a case where the movie is actually interesting but the marketers are just screaming “LOOK! BOOBIES!” over and over.

Correction. That’s his wife. His daughter is only 2.

Here’s another picture of him, as the same character, from 1998’s The Replacement Killers.

Actually, that’s Clifton Collins Jr. as Loco from The Replacement Killers. My point is that Franco’s character’s look and persona seem to be lifted from a 15 year old film. And that Collins is the better actor.