Thanks to everyone who made suggestions on this thread. In the end, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get a full brother to our existing pug.
We got him last week, and he’s doing great! Check him out.
Thanks to everyone who made suggestions on this thread. In the end, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get a full brother to our existing pug.
We got him last week, and he’s doing great! Check him out.
Great site you might want to check out:
Oohh…look at the cute little puppy! Could he possibly be any cuter??
I love the pics where he is playing with the other pug!
My heart just exploded. The PUPPINESS of the puppy! And the older pug is also adorable.
Me want dog.
He is the cutest puppy who ever puppied in the history of puppying. He’s soooooooooooo precious.
Little furry things rule!
Thanks everyone! Yes, he is a little heartbreaker. And thanks for reassuring me that I’m not the only person who’s just stupidly silly about puppies. I really start to wonder sometimes when I realize I have an entire vocabulary and different voice used only to talk to pugs with.
“Ooooh, he’s a puggly wuggly! Time for pug lunch! Let’s go poopin’ and doopin’, oh loook at the lil puggy. He’s Frodolicious, isn’t he? Isn’t he? Edie-weedy, edie-gorilla, let’s go outside! Good girl good girl! We’re pug flush here aren’t we? Puggly wugglies, let’s go!”
Yes, I’m losing my mind.
No you’re not. It’s just how we have to talk to the little angels.
I think I’m going to sing the puppy song to kangaroo_in_black when he gets up.
The very first pic got an “Oh my gosh” around a mouthful of tortilla. He is a cutie patootie!
I’m maxed out on doggies right now but my brother is considering getting a dog and I’m trying to talk him into a pug. I’m jealous of you…wish I had a puglet!
Re: puppy talk… just as a teeny, tiny example, every morning I sing to my dog “Good morning to you” to the tune of “Happy birthday to you.” :o
Dear god, that is the cutest dog I HAVE EVER SEEN. I swear. He made my daughter and I both squeal.
coos at the pictures i love doggies!!!
oh yeah sorry i forgot to mention that I talk to my dogs in an unnaturally high pitched voice: “Hello mee-ster! Come here mee-ster! I love you!”
Aww, he’s such a cutie, sweetie-weetie wittle pie! The first picture made me squeal like a pig.
I was making such cuteness exclamations that my cat jumped off my chair and left the room in disgust. Just when it couldn’t get any cuter, I saw his name was Frodo. Awwwwww!
I’ve never seen an all black pug like that before. Very cute!
By all means, tell him to get a pug. They are, without a doubt, the best dogs in the world. Not that I’m biased. But really - when Mr. Athena told me he wanted pugs, I thought he was nuts. I wanted A Real Dog. A Big Dog. Then we got Edith, and within a week it was nothin’ but pugs for me. Loving, clownish, loyal, smart, and easy to train. Who could want more?
For what it’s worth, Frodo has already groked that when we go outside, he should do his business. He hasn’t yet figured out that it’s not OK to do it indoors, but as long as we take him outside every couple hours, he goes, and he’s OK for a while. What a smartie!
He’s a precious angel!!!
Hey, I’m not biased either, but Australian Shepherds are the Best Dogs in the Whole Wide World.
But having said that, pugs are pretty adorable.
proud owner of 2 purebred Aussies
and 2 Aussie mixes
AWWW!!! How totally adorable!! I really want a dog, but I have an apartment, and no one to help me take care of him while I’m at school all day. Plus I plan to do some heavy-duty travelling next year… so I just have to wait… and it’s killing me! …but I’m trying to do the right thing. (sigh)
Awww, I know the feeling. Dogs definitely are anchors when it comes to travel, and pugs are attention hounds. I shudder to think what Edith might do if Mr. Athena and I ever have to work outside the home. Who would say “Aaawww, lookit the cute lil’ puggly” 17,000 times a day?