NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 2)

The only golden rule they understand is “He who has the gold makes the rules.”

“It’s better a rich man goes to Heaven than to stick a camel with a needle.”

“As hard as it is for a rich man to get into Heaven, it’s harder to stick a needle in the eye of a camel. Or the eye of a tiger.”

Plus, he’s been to space!……well, he takes up space, same difference.

Youngkin vs. DeSantis is actual contest here. Parading evil China, Communists, national and personal security in front of the GQP poll watchers.

He’s so proudly anti-China ownership that: (from the comments)
"I wonder if he has banned Smithfield Foods from being used in VA Gov’t yet? It is owned by the Chinese and the company gave $30K to his inaugural committee.

He even put the CEO on the Board of Visitors for Christopher Newport University in Norfolk, VA.

So maybe some Chinese money through subsidiaries is just fine?

But, but, but… I thought it was the Republicans who were the job creators!

Serious question, is there a word for “reverse projection”? If everything they accuse dems of is actually something they’re guilty of, is there a term for taking undeserved credit? It’s pretty common, but I don’t recall hearing it called anything other than ‘taking credit for something you didn’t do’. But it happens every time a republican talks about how glad they are that X happened (say, getting some grant money for their state) even though they fought, and voted, against it.

Stolen Valor?


Rubber & glue? Sorry, non-serious reply…

Actually, denial might fit, i.e., ignoring a reality that you’re standing right in the middle of.

Stealing someones thunder?

I don’t know.

Excuse me?

GQP indeed.

It involves a magic 8 ball where every answer is Hunter Biden’s laptop.

DeSantis’s covid advisor says you don’t need vaccines, just trust Jesus.

“I sent you a boat, helicopter and vaccine.” Jesus.

Remember the Freedom Phone, which was going to protect conservative snowflakes from the evil influences of libruhls like Zuckerberg? Turns out the creators of the phone are now suing each other.

The DeSantis administration has rejected a potential African-American Studies course because “it significantly lacks educational value”.
Warning: This is from the National Review.

While I know the concept of projection is hardly anything remotely new, I was watching something on TV and saw a bit of dialogue that reminded me of this thread:

To further his point that Character B is cheating, Character A describes a hypothetical situation to draw a comparison and says:
A) It’s cheating.
B) How is that cheating? You’re just falsely accusing us of what you actually did.
A) No, that’s what you’re doing.

In 2016, George Santos ran a Gofundme on behalf of a disabled veteran so that he could afford life-saving surgery for his service dog, ultimately bringing in $3000.

Santos then pocketed the cash and the vet wound up panhandling so he could afford to put the dog to sleep.