NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 3)

Of course it isn’t gibberish, he’s talking in code. A message directly from Q to QAnon.

They’re smart enough to devise a code? Well, this IS a revelation!


No, they’re not. They’re stupid enough to think that people are talking in code and revealing secret sex trafficking rings involving the Clintons or some BS like that.

I’ve seen that sort of situational logic among his slavish cultists. A few of these loudmouths were pontificating about inflation, bemoaning that it was caused by increased wages. Incensed, I confronted them “But your own increased wages are just A-OK, aren’t they”. They weren’t the slightest bit sheepish at their own hypocrisy, but rather annoyed at me being some sort of a wise-guy for pointing it out.

I actually remember a clip of the shit-gibbon at a rally speech bemoaning that “wages are too high”. It’s like any of his fans hearing this are seeing him secretly wink to them upon uttering that statement as a sign of “I didn’t mean YOUR wages were too high”.

I doubt they can translate his word-salad speeches any better than we can. The difference is they don’t care.

I suspect they think he’s so brilliant they’re just not capable of understanding it, The way I am listening to a cosmologist explaining string theory, complete with the math.

Since word-salad speeches are essentially content-free (or loaded with contradictory content), the listener can fill in the abysses blanks with whatever tickles their fancy.

Sort of like Nixon’s “silent majority.” Since it is by definition silent, it can be made to say whatever the speaker wants.

I haven’t had a chance to read the article, but this seems bad/predictable.

We’re gonna need a thread just for Loser Donald’s senior moments at this rate, because today he said that the price of gas will go up if Biden becomes president.

I saw a story on this earlier. Someone is asking the DOJ to investigate this lickity split before things get stupid scary.

I hope they catch the worthless piece of trash behind this.

Margarine Failure Groane has apparently decided that if Dear Leader has dementia, then she has to have dementia as well.

But he didn’t end the reign of the little rocket man. Don’t her fans know that? I mean, at least that?

Um… no.

:sobs uncontrollably:

Florida’s CFO (that’s a THING?) wants $5 million in taxpayer money to pay Loser Donald’s legal bills.

Uh, yeah, I’ve just won this thread by a motherfucking longshot.

I love any hockey references, even from asinine shitheads.

One does not simply win a thread that started 15 years ago because Republicans were angry that the president’s wife wanted school lunches to be healthier.

But, but, mine is stupider!
Pistols at dawn, then.

I swear, the Republican Party is turning into one giant Koozie.

" Under President Biden, the DOJ prosecuted criminals, child predators, terrorism but today under Joe Biden’s DOJ, it prosecutes Donald Trump, his team, and all of his supporters"

Seems like she’s repeating herself.

Eh, not your best work. You’re no Trump when it comes to great nicknames! /s