New Style Trend for Balding Young Men?

Same here, but I like it. Unlike a lot of hipster styles - like rich kids co-opting working class trucker hats and garage shirts - it seems honest. “This is where my hair grows. I’m not going to shave it off and pretend I’m not balding.”

I think most of us with shaved heads hold to the position that a shaved head virtually requires an accompanying beard of some sort. It declares, “My scalp is bare on purpose”, as opposed to being the result of, say, chemotherapy. A shaved head combined with a clean-shaven face also makes you look, depending on what kind of face you have, either somewhat reptilian or like a lightbulb.

That’s probably my favourite look for guys who have given up the fight against time and genetics. “Yeah, I know I don’t have a full head of hair any more, but I have more important things to spend my time and effort on” is fine by me.

I don’t care what a guy does as long as it does not involve combing anything where it isn’t supposed to be. I have even seen well done and neatly kept mullets look fairly decent [they can not be too overlong in back] and I know one man with the most beautiful butt length hair that is wonderfully kept.

I decided in my teens (probably 1979) that if/when I went bald I’d just shave everything off. I noticed my hairline receeding at about age 20 and everyone else noticed it around 25. At 30 I got tired of looking like Jack Nicholson and took a razor to it. I kept a goatee for a few years, but shape of my face looks better without a beard. I’ve been clean shaven for most of the last 15 years with no complaints and occasional compliments from women. Here is a photo of me. I don’t think I look like a reptile or a lightbulb, jsut a bald man.

You look just fine to me! :slight_smile:

My hair looks a lot like that but I think it looks stupid. I am not brave enough to shave it all off and everything less than that looks stupid. There are no good choices.

To pull off the shaved head look, I think you need to have strong facial features. Patrick Stewart, Ben Kingsley, Bruce Willis, to name a few. An angular face with stony features can look good with a shaved head. But a soft-featured face with smooth lines does not look good this way. Kevin Spacey, for instance, did not make a good Lex Luthor IMO because he just looked awkward and weird with a shaved head instead of intimidating and powerful.

Balding with long hair/ponytail = pathetic
Mullet = pathetic
Combover = pathetic
Shaved head = fine
Balding with regular hairstyle = fine
Bald with beard & moustache = fine
Beard and no moustache = Amish wannabe, trying too hard, looks emasculated
Soul patch = trying too hard

Men bald and balding are great. I realize that when it happens to you it’s disconcerting, but men tend to look better and better with age, and the balding thing is just part of it. I don’t know any women who care one way or another if a guy is balding. Often it looks better than when the hair was there.

I think it looks pretty cool, given the circumstances. I’ve always had short hair, but as I lose mine, I now what to grow it longer like this. At least long enough that I can comb it back.

I’ve shaved my head a dozen or so times, because I like the look, but it’s just way too much damn effort to keep it like that. I’m starting to thin a bit on top, and my dad’s kept his head shaved since before I was born rather than deal with his weird patchy baldness, so I figure I might go that route, if I ever get to a point where I have little enough hair that shaving’s not such a chore. Until then, I’ll probably either let it grow out a bit (my hair’s fuzzy enough, and I’m tall enough, that it’s only noticeable when I’m sitting down) or keep it buzzed, as it is now (well, it’s actually growing out from a shaved head at the moment, but same difference).

I actually kind of wish my thin spot would just give up and go bald, 'cause I think that looks better than wispy. If it stays this way for too long, I may just give up and get laser hair removal on my whole scalp. It’d cost a fortune in hats, though.

I’m 25, heavily balding. I keep it pretty short and pretend I look like this.

That’s not what a bald head and beard make me think of; they make me think of this.

Or this.

I was a punk rock, and would cut my hair (with the barber clippers my mom used on me when I was a little kid) whenever my hair got over about a 1/4 inch long. I only shaved once. I prefer the extremely closely cropped look but no whitewalls. 30 years later I keep the same style only I’m pretty bald. Every 1-2 weeks, whip out the clippers, give it a runover on the 3mm setting and I’m good to go.

There is also the I don’t give a rats ass kinda hippie look. Bald, unkept, scraggly, over the ears but generally pushed back sorta. I’m good with guys that pull that one off.

No, no, no. Those aren’t even beards at all. Those are goatees. Thisis the beard/bald head combo that is hot. Whoa!

My hair had never been a problem for me until around summer this year, when week by week it started drastically thinning out. I think in around 6 months I’ll have a huge bald forehead, but with full and bouncy hair at the back and sides. I’m not sure what to do about it. I’ll probably go the Picard route - i.e., number one clippers all around, and to hell with it. I could grow a beard but my beard is already a solid snow white, so I think I’d just look older.

Another vote for the #1 setting on the clippers. Shaving with a razor seems like too much trouble and it just grows back in a couple of says. Sometimes in the summer I will use bare clippers, which is pretty close to a full shave. This combined with my Van Dyke (it’s not a goatee dammit!) is my look, and the women love it!

I’m lucky that my skull is shaped very normal. If you have a lumpy misshapen skull you should probably go the Rogaine route.

The Bruce Willis/Christopher Meloni style of close-cropped balding hair is a good look, IMO. I also think that if you have to go bald, it’s better when it recedes back, widow’s peak style, than when the top of the scalp thins out.

I have what I call a seceding hairline: Most of it’s withdrawing up my forehead, but there’s one little lock in the middle that’s standing pat and declaring its independence from the hair mainland.

Personally, I’m looking forward to going bald naturally. If I let it grow out, I get a Caucaso, and shaved bald is altogether too high-maintenance (though I did it once to recover from a bad haircut accident). But natural baldness, you don’t have to do anything for that.