New Year Resolutions

I hope I’m not duplicating a thread here but I’m wondering if other posters have started kicking around their resolutions for the new year. Mine are:

Stop smoking
Continue my workout plan
Stop being a door mat for my family members

Okay, nothing too earth shaking there. What are yours?


This year, like every year: take over the world.

Quand les talons claquent, l’esprit se vide.
Maréchal Lyautey

Lets just say it involves me, Selma Hayek, and Jenny McCarthy.

Actually Id like to run a 5k by the end of the year!

Well since Sept I have lost 20 lbs.

My goal for the next year is to lose, and keep off, 30 more.

Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across the grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55 mph, the other from Topeka at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.

Quit listening to my mother put me down.
Get down to 165 pounds. (A loss of over 100 at this point…)
Get a better job.

“There is no worse lie than a truth misunderstood by those who hear it.” - William James

Be more adventurous!

“Only when he no longer knows what he is doing, does the painter do good
things.” --Edgar Degas

Get back into shape to do bike tours.

[ul][li]Get the hell out of this office.[/li][li]Grow a third breast and move to Eroticon Three.[/ul][/li]

I am too in shape! :::muttering::: Round is a shape.

I never make resolutions, I just try to live my life the same every day with basic respects:

I’ll continue to treat people with the dignity and respect that I would like to be treated with.

I’ll continue to show my love and respect to those people in my life who are important to me.

I’ll continue to forgive, even those undeserving of my forgiveness, but who know no better.

I’ll continue to just be me and if people dont like that… oh well

I’ll continue to live life to its fullest, enjoying everything I have.

Happy New Year…

I opened the door, and look who I found. Damn I’m good

Hmmm . . .

[li]Be healthier physically (exercise more, eat less, go to the doctor and the dentist for regular stuff)[/li][li]Be healthier financially (pay off my debts, save some money, invest a little)[/li][li]Start on my way to becoming a teacher (two false starts now)[/li][/ul]

That about covers it for now . . .

Will work for sig line.

Arnold Winkelried – oooohhh! When you do is there a place for me? Can I be Labor Management? I’d be good at it… (channeling my MST3K voice)

Frankie – GREAT GOAL! I’m too afraid to get into racing with my running. I guess I’m just too much in terror at being the “last in the pack”! Kudos to you for even THINKING of it! If you do it, my thoughts are with you! Let me know what goes down…

BurnMeUp – I can get behind that goal too! Kudos for losing the 20! I’ll bet you feel very good about that, and you should! That’s a hell of a lot and I know you can reach your goal… I’m with ya, kid (fuck, for all I know you could be older than me but you KNOW what I mean!). We can get together on other threads and compare notes!

Falcon – seems like we have a similar “family” goal in mind… tell them to GET BENT! Right now, at this moment, there is NOTHING wrong with you. You have EVERY right to be the way that you are. Sure, you are like me, you are working on it. That’s what matters. Keep working. You can do it! Gosh, I’m gushing like a coach but damn it! I believe in you! Anytime you want to trade war stories, you let me know! I’ll do my best to encourage you.

PurpleCrackwhore – uh, don’t you need to tone down? :wink: You are so outrageous that you make ME blush! And that’s quite a feat! You wild woman you! I look forward to more of your mayhem as the months fly by!

AWB – you gonna take me on one or is that just a wrench in your pocket? :wink:

StoryTyler – as long as you feel you can compete with Excentra Galumbits (sp? Like, I can even get close!) … she is the pre-emanate whore of Eroticon Three…

CanadianSue – it all sounds good to me. Even though your post was not about resolutions it sounds like a great way to live.

phouka – sounds like you can relate to the rest of us. Kudos on becoming a teacher. That’s a big bite of life to take!

Thanks to all for responding! I’m glad I’m not the only one who starts kicking around my life when the new year looms! :slight_smile:


Gawd, I hate New Year’s Resolutions!

I guess the two main ones are:

Work on getting a better job,

Start working out (already started on this one).

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

I pretty much have one New Year’s resolution that stays the same from year to year.

I resolve to stay alive.

See, if I live to see another New Year, I can be the only person who actually kept their resolution. And if I don’t…well, the fact that I broke it is the last thing I’ll have to worry about.

Im pretty competitive so I’m hoping that having a goal like that will actually get me off my F.L.A.

crossing my fingers.

Lets bob this to the top every couple of months to see how we are doing?

I resolve to eat better, exercise more, and lose 10 pounds. (15 would be better but I’d be happy with 10)

I resolve to work harder and have a better attitude starting now, so by the new year I will have the guts to ask for a raise.

I resolve to mend my spending habits and try to pull myself out of debt.

I resolve to stop complaining about being a cat-lady.

I resolve to study harder and make a serious effort at finishing my certification program.

I crave an art that passionately transcends the mundane instead of being a device for self-deception.–Griffin, from The Griffin and Sabine trilogy.


That chartreuse-crested, aluminium-pantied tart had better watch out - I’ll toss her out like yesterday’s leftover body parts.

:::muttering, stomping away::: Little tri-nipped hoor!

I am too in shape! :::muttering::: Round is a shape.
C’mon up and see me sometime.

Mine is to keep smoking. I’ve kept this resolution for the past 8 years, no problems…

(My set of motivational videocassettes, “Aim Low”, will be on the market next month)

Okay…someone dared me to do this. grin

My latest resolution? To lose my virginity the first week of January. And hmmm…got it already covered. :wink: With a real sweetheart too.

“There is no worse lie than a truth misunderstood by those who hear it.” - William James

Dares, eh?

I wonder if the menfolk have the balls to say what’s really on their minds, eh?

Or maybe it should wait until Monday.

Here’s mine,

Stop smoking.

Lose more weight

Take a little time everyday to be thankful for all that I have.

Let go of somethings in the past that still hurt. This one will be hard, but I have to try to find a way.

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)