What are your New Year's Resolutions?

For the past few years I’ve done pretty good at keeping them. Two years ago my main one was to decide what to do after high school, I joined the military in March. Last year my main one was to finish tech school. I did that in October. So this year mine are:

1: Not die.
2: Date more. Have at least one serious relationship. Hopefully find “the one.”
3: Stop killing hookers.

How about yours?

1: Ahhhh!

Dude! You stole mine! (#3)

We can’t BOTH stop killing hookers. Sheesh.


I resolve to make my crippling depression work for me, and channel it into an eating disorder.

Once and for all, I am going to stop smoking. Not on the 1st, though, on the 3rd.

I’m going to get serious about my chloresterol. (Did I just type that? I’m getting old.)

I’m going to stop killing hookers, too.

Why , its a growth industry


I’m going to quit smoking, hopefully for good.
I’m going to lose weight. At least 10 kilograms.
Unlike all of y’all, I’m going to start killing hookers. Figure I’ll be mighty cranky without my smokes and sweets, and a man needs at least one way to relieve the stress!

Coldfire’s gonna start killing hookers! NOOOOOOO! Think of the children!

  • Oh. He’s in Amsterdam. He IS thinking of the children *
  1. Start smoking, just to annoy my wife. Maybe she’ll leave.
  2. Eat more cholesterol…I have a theory
  3. Double my production at work, just to annoy my coworkers by setting an impossible standard
  4. Continue to not keep a firearm in my home
  5. Get conversant in Spanish
  6. Get serious about gettin’ wit my Spanish/English speaking coworker
  7. Clean the cat’s litter box
  8. Cut back on the Nachos & beers
  9. Close out 2006 at 178 pounds or less (I’m at 184 now)
  10. Either file for a divorce or…no, just file the divorce.


  1. **Work harder and smarter for my Dead Pool 2007 List. **

  2. Walk 30 minutes 3-4 days a week.

3.Improve my bowling Rah, rah Rah for the Middle Class!

  1. Improve my knitting skills. [size]Woooooooo! I’m such a dork![/size]

  2. Eat better.

  3. Buy more Fair Trade Products. Use less. Recycle more. Green Products. Bring World Peace To All Somehow…

  4. More Fiber. Better Poops.

  5. Less SDMB You bastids! A guaranteed failure from the get-go.

  6. Not be distracted so eas…hey…look at the google ads!

My New Years resolution is to do everything I can to finally get pregnant and have a healthy and happy baby. I’m definately on my way and the doc thinks we have the fertility issues solved. With almost 8 years of trying and 2 miscarriages, maybe 2006 will be our year.

**Improve my coding skills

lose 15 pounds. I have a six pack. It’s just in the fridge.

retire as a multi-millionaire by year’s end.

Finish the basement bathroom.

Finish the addition.

Stop hooking!

You might have more luck if you switch the order on the last two. I’m just sayin’…


  1. Resume nasal cleansing.

And, really, what else does one need in life?

  1. Learn how to play guitar.

  2. Torture my wife through most of (1).

  3. Stop dressing barnyard animals as hookers and then killing them, ritualistically.

Last year’s resolution was to quit smoking. This year’s resolution is to not start smoking again. It’s not as easy as it sounds.

I’ve already lost weight, I already work out regularly, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs, I rarely drink… I’m at a loss here.

I guess my new year’s resolution is to get serious about my writing. I’ve located several magazines and the like where I can get short stories published, so the only thing left is to get over my silly fear of rejection and get writing, writing, writing.

Another new year’s resolution could be to bulk up, but I’m still not sure I’m going to do that, so I’ll leave it at a maybe for now.

Please, how hard can it be to kill hookers there? I mean you walk five feet and there’s another one. It’s a bit like killing them in Grand Theft Auto, no challenge at all. You should make it more of a challenge and only go for the ones that aren’t from Eastern Europe.

I’m working on breaking the 3 minute mark in a 200 meter fly. I’m close so I’m pretty sure I can get it. No killing for me though since it seems we’ve got enough next year.

  1. **[Sam Jackson Voice]**Hookers, hell. If somebody don’t shut shut up about these hoes, I’m gonna kill all you bitches, tricks, marks, hoes, bitch-ass tricks, mark-ass marks, scumps, scalawags and screws – big time. Now, SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. [/Sam Jackson Voice]

  2. Work on my… what’d that bitch call it? Oh yeah. My ‘Vesuvian’ temper.


  1. To attempt to understand the hostility engendered by women who get paid to fuck.

  2. Lose another 10 pounds–they’re just laying there, not adding to the ambience or attraction–off they go!

  3. Get into Grad school–scared outta my mind, but I’ve fooled you guys into thinking I have functioning gray matter, perhaps I can fool more people than you.

  4. Either formally (legally) separate or divorce or something. Now he says he’s not leaving. This could get ugly, folks. (why, no- I am not married to Inigo-why do you ask? heh)

  5. Be a nicer person–this could be the hardest one.

  6. Remember that worrying about stuff never helped any of it, so cool the jets of my chronic anxiety over stuff I cannot impact on…there’s a sentence for you!