New Year's plans...

What are your plans for New Years? I find it interesting to see what people from different places like to do.

Here in Indy there’s a variety of expensive, yet lame, parties at bars and such. Fortunatley my friends and I are going to a big punk rock show/party. It should be a blast. We’re going to dress up and everything, so it’s always fun to see everyone looking fabulous.

I’m having a party at my house!

We’ve had a party at the house every year since my husband bought the house!

And, as past New Year’s Eves have shown every other year all the couples end up arguing.

This year should be a good year where no one argues! YAY! haha

Why do you think this year will be different?

I’m off to a party at a friend’s house further out of town. The original plan was to make it fancy dress – either Scooby-Doo or League of Gentlemen – but none of the lads going really fancied wandering around North London in blackface as Papa Lazarou. If it’s anything like two years ago it’ll involve an unhealthy amount of red wine and champagne and a hangover that lasts until I’m back at work on the second.

We’ve found many New Years Events to be rather dull considering the expense and trouble, so we just stay home, or visit one of the neighbors parties. We’ll probably go out with our friends this weekend for a psuedo-New Years get together, but Tuesday will be wine, movies and a nice fire.

I’m working :frowning:


My friend’s husband is in this band that my ‘group’ adores…we’re their groupies:). they rented out a place for NYE, they’re putting on a huge show with everyone we know, open bar, munchies, etc—all for $40 for the entire night. Considering we all spent about $200 on NYE last year for crappy food, a drag show, and half a bottle of champagne apiece, this sounds like a MUCH more exciting prospect. A night with the band is always awesome.

Of course, we did try to get Phish tickets, but that was a no-go.


For the first time in I don’t know HOW many years, my band has NO bookings!

So unless something comes up quick here, I actually get to spend NYE with my wife!

What a novel concept!

Finally I’ve managed to get to New York for New Year’s to be in Times Square and watch the ball drop for the New Years! I know its a super touristy thing to be doing, but hey, I get to be a tourist while I’m on vacation!

I’m really excited about doing this, but nobody else I know seems to share my excitement, ah well, glad I’m going and not them.

nothin’. Anyone know what’s going on in Nashville that’s cheap and singles-friendly?

Bugger all. Or I might go to relatives, but it’s such a long drive. I’d only go to avoid being alone and depressed.

Don’t you hate it when people rain on your parade? Screw 'em. Sounds like a blast to me!

El Hubbo, six neighbors/friends and I are going out to a supper club in our town. It’s slightly hoity and everso toity… Pretty fancy for us. Excellent food, delicious wine, great company. Afterwards, we’ll head on back to the neighborhood for the after-party.

I hope I make it 'til midnight. When you get up at 4:30 AM on workdays, it’s hard to reset that internal clock to a normal time.

I don’t really have plans.

If Dad is around we all may go to the waterpark for their annual New Years ‘Hawaii’ celebration, which is usually pretty fun. But this year I’ll have to find a light enough tee that I can wear while swimming (got a tattoo in the past year that Dad will see if I don’t, and there will be problems.)

Or maybe I’ll scrounge enough money to go to a movie and then head off to the fireworks downtown if they are having them this year. Last year there was something in the paper about it possibly being the last year because of the cost. :frowning:

We’re having the Big Mamma Jamma Party [sup]TM[/sup] at my house. Three of our friends are flying in from France tomorrow, and they’re bringing a couple of bottles of real champagne. We are still debating on the oyster roast, but the last time we had one it was a blast. We live right on the marsh, so we can’t have fireworks, but we’ll have sparklers and noisemakers and such. Last year we had about 30 people at the house, and this year we’re expecting about the same.

We’ll be in New Orleans on our honeymoon. Unfortunately, none of our friends or family is willing to stay down there an extra day to party with us. Spoilsports.

Hubby, the kids and I will be going to visit my best friend, who used to live nearby, but then moved 180 miles away. Since she’s a school teacher, it’s tough for her to carve out time for us to visit, but over the Christmas holidays is perfect. We’re gonna drink some sparkling cider, pop some frozen appetizers in the oven, and sit around and talk half the night. Now that’s my idea of a good time!

I’ll be going to bed early because on Wednesday, I’ll be driving from Baltimore to Jacksonville. I need to be back at work on Thursday. Not that it’s a big sacrifice - we almost never do anything for NYE.

Working…and it’s useless to go out afterward since I’ve got to be back at work at 7AM New Year’s Day…:rolleyes:

NYE at our good friends house as we have for the past few years. A hundred year old farmhouse on the MD/PA border with lots o’good food, bubbly, and most importantly ALL our best friends. Well, all the ones close enough to drive there at least. And a room to crash in when it’s over.