How many join every day, on average?
P.S. I am a moron.
How many join every day, on average?
P.S. I am a moron.
Well, the SDMB has been in existance for about 985 days and it has 18743 registered members currently, so that would be… a little over 19 people a day. Eh, but that’s probably not an accurate reflection of the current joining rate.
I’m getting a count of about 200 for the last week.
I don’t have the patience to calculate exactly, but I’ll tell you how to count.
Click on “our newest member” on the main menu page.
You find the url says
Then you subtract 200 and # 18604 was registered a week earlier.
Of course, you could just wait a week to get a current average.
Would there be a way to find out who registered on a particular day? It’d be fun to find out who registered on the same day as me.
[sub]I have too much time on my hands.[/sub]
The userids close to yours should do it, Fran.
Eg, you’re 13258 and registered on 6 March 2001. Number 13259 is imonacomputer and also registered that day. Number 13257 is e443, another 6 Marcher.
These have 3 and 1 posts respecively, so are hardly regs however. You might want to try userid 13247 instead.
Francesca and kabbes: ooooh, fun game! Me and my March 1, 2001 brothers and sisters:
popewilly (1)
theendisnear (128)
ASSASSIN70454 (0)
ericj900 (2)
Dr_Xadium (10)
Dr. Ennig (8)
Borborygmi (184)[well, 185 posts now…]
StevenCT (9)
Shadesofgreen6 (33)(BANNED)
riadaeh1 (0)
Sweet Walter (82)
notcynical (194)
kaydog (0)
Yellster (0)
sirkle (13)
Gooddog (0)
So I’d be in post count lead if not for notcynical. Curse you, notcynical! Hmmmm, maybe I could up my count by starting a “Why was Shadesofgreen6 banned?” thread in the Pit…
Judging from the name ALONE, I’ll state with near certainty that he was a Serlin clone.
You got me curious now, damn you. ID no 8507, registered 2 August 2000 (blimey, 1 year and 3 months ago!)
Let’s see (and arse to the bolding tags unless current poster):
Pippy4778 (0)
AngelD112 (241, but last one 3/3/01)
**Jester**! (Hello **Jester!**) (1379)
thoughtviper (2 - last post "Hello Kitty condoms"! WTF?)
cole (3)
E5C4P3 (4)
Acid Burn (1)
ozzy (0)
UrbanShocker (44)
khakiman (1)
TBTBarney (2 - and the last was "Why I haven't posted in a while"! How ironic.)
Dave77 (0)
Atheist_Messiah (0)
Lethal Lynx (39)
Gecko (3)
Skummet (152)
**kabbes** (of course - 1541 + this one!)
**Ivar** (318)
Simon Pearce (1)
BWary (1)
conductorman (11)
~*bobster*~ (4)
lowlyservant (1)
lovesradio (3)
Dr_Online (0)
exciter (1 and BANNED, rather excitingly)
diquinzio (0)
**Deiket** (191)
Checkpoint (0)
Speedbump (3)
DaniB (0)
Torberg (49)
**schief2** (285)
Unsurprisingly, I have the most posts of those who joined on that day, though I didn’t expect the other close rival on that front! It’s gratifying to see a few familiar faces too.
But can we learn anything actually useful from this otherwise rather fruitless task I have just performed? Let me see.
First of all: 33 new posters on that day, which well exceeds the average of 19 per day and is even more than last week’s average of 28.57. This indicates that growth has not necessarily gone up since over a year ago.
Only 15 dopers joined with Borborygmi on March 1 2001. That is pretty much half the rate. Unless March 1 is a weekend, that suggests that there might be some seasonality to new joiners.
8 of the 33 never posted. A further 14 posted less than 5 times. This underlines the already known fact that more than half of our registers play an almost imperceptible part on this board.
Only 5 of the 33 are still active. This suggests a poster half-life of about five and a half months. Pretty rapid!
Hmm… wonder what shape the post curve takes…
Bloody hell - wish I hadn’t posted that as code!
Just crossed my mind to check the half-life of the posters from Borborygmi’s birthday to see whether a power-decay is appropriate.
Let’s see - 5 still active from 16 in 9 months. That would give a half-life of… 5.4 months! Waddya know - a bloody good fit.
I think we have a new SDMB hypothesis. Which will have to remain untested in greater deatil, lest I bring the mighty wrath of Tuba upon me for clogging up the board.
But still - there you go boys and girls:
kabbes’ hypothesis: The half-life of a SDMB joiner is about five and a half months.
Colibri’s Corollary: Posters who last longer than that have no life at all.
Thanks Kabbes! Interesting stats. Mine:
mrtcult (2)
cairo cats (0) Actually from Cairo too. But probably not a cat.
JellyMan (6)
Vision (27)
nandywahs (0)
Dr Ferret (3) What a waste of a good username.
elian_gonzales (1) - BANNED. (Wonder why…)
nsmcneill (3)
ChordedZither (33)
e443 (1)
Francesca (1015). Yay for me!
imonacomputer (3)
Tars Tarkas (348) Someone I recognise at last!
tlancek (0)
Johnno (0) From Norway. We don’t have enough Norwegians on the boards.
Rubix^3 (2)
gk (2)
TisDun (0)
StanL6580 (0)
Meaves (13)
For The Rat (5)
kpxcivicxex (0) - BANNED. Banned before making even one post. Those mods are quick on the draw.
Synergist (74)
So that’s 24 registers, two of whom were banned and only two still active after 8 months. And seven of whom never made a single post. Did they register just to search, or is there another reason for registering and not posting?
I missed LindyHopper by one day too. Aw.
It should probably also be noted that not all banned posters have their status changed the “BANNED”. Some just slip quietly away.
Hello, me again. Clearly somewhat of a brainfart there for two reasons:
Actually borborygmi, the last two on your list registered the day after you, according to my profiles. However there should be another nine before popewilly, of which ModernRonin is the only still active!
We shouldn’t really include Serlin incarnations.
Actually only 3 of the original list. are still active. Dunno where I got 5 from.
So 4 out of 22 gives a half-life of 3.7 months.
In preview I see that Fran has also joined in (hi Fran!). She has only 2 from 24 after 8 months.
But! According to me Fran, you didn’t miss Lindyhopper at all! In fact, according to me your list should end at Rubix and begin much earlier - with 4 still here from 26 joiners!
Hmm. Dunno what’s going on here with the profiles and joining dates. There’s probably some weird time zone thing, although Fran and I shouldn’t really be in different time zones, given that we’re about 30 miles apart.
Still, I’m going to assume that I’m right. Fran’s siblings have a half life then of 3.0 months. Incidentally much closer to borbor’s than mine. Makes me wonder if a power curve is appropriate after all.
Anyway - ploughing on regardless: a volume weighted average of 33 @ 5.5, 22 @ 3.7 and 26 @ 3.0 gives 4.2 months.
So my new hypothesis is going to be a half-life of 4 months rather than 5.5.
And Colibri, don’t think that I’ve forgotten you. Such a pun between us will simply not stand…
And the middle two of the list of 4 things there are the 2 reasons for the brainfart.
Strewth. Some days I shouldn’t be allowed near a keyboard. Thank the godicorn that it is Friday evening.
Ah. I have my times set to American time (EST I think) so that I know what time it is for the majority of dopers. I’m all about peer pressure.
kabbes, I still get the same list of SDMB birthdays when repeat the exercise for myself. So, it’s probably a timezone thing like you said. I’m U.S. East Coast, FWIW.
Heh, I like your analyses.
Aha. Gotcha. Well, to be consistent with my stats, I better do them all according to my time zone. Either that or redo mine according to EST, which I can’t face.
Anyway Fran, aren’t you more comfortable knowing that in YOUR time zone, you joined the same day as LindyHopper?
ps loving my new sig, must use it again!
Fran! I’m 3/7/01 - just one day after you. You have twice as many posts, though… clearly, I need to spend more time here! [sub]As if such a thing were possible.[/sub]
Interesting project. Mind if I contribute another data point? I decided to look at who shares my posting birthday (January 3, 2001): (2)
Dominique (18)
TitoBenito (86)
skepdick (0)
klsuch (1)
Dinkley (1)
Eohippus (124)
penfold (55)
hijack (0) - Banned
little me (34)
Kestral (11)
wbricks (20)
334~late~342 (0)
warrick gillingham (0)
Inanna (19)
Pjen (418)
aubstar22 (0)
DaveX (80)
woland (1)
Bucephalus (0)
Jet Jaguar (423) - This one looks strangely familiar…
woman (0)
brendan6787 (0)
Jenin (7)
mogspawn (0)
24 registered, 5 still posting (indicated in bold). (What are you considering a current poster? I took anyone who posted within the last few weeks.) 8 never posted at all, and one was banned. I calculate a half-life of 4.4 months. I agree with kabbes analysis and say the half-life of a newbie is between 4 and 5 months.
It’s interesting to note that while I have the most posts for users registered that day, my closest rival (who has just 5 fewer than I) hasen’t posted in two weeks. If they had continued posting at their average rate to that point, they would have the most.
Wow, i think that I have the first SDMB b-day where no one was Banned
Estragon (20)
MichealM (0)
Girlie3k (1)
Mashie (55)
dfilpus (2)
Michelle (0)
HootcheyCoocheyMan (6)
GlitterSpark (2)
Psunami (0)
rem (0)
Vegeta (0)
Markmack (0)
Nicoli (2)
Eleanore (0)
anderm00 (6)
Melpomene (259)
WoudeWork (0)
Hue (3)
twinkle (2)
dublos (520) - The only person with more posts them me
hitchhiker (0)
Caesar0211 (75)
UnclePuppethead (2)
beverly (0)
heraldgwena (293)
Very Bored (0)
rpinrd (51) -The only other person who is still active
Ptrinsey (2)