rodomontade -n- arrogant boasting or blustering, ranting talk.
procrustean -adj- (1) of or like Procrustes or his actions. (2) designed or acting to secure conformity at any cost; drastic or ruthless.
So, what words have you learned recently?
rodomontade -n- arrogant boasting or blustering, ranting talk.
procrustean -adj- (1) of or like Procrustes or his actions. (2) designed or acting to secure conformity at any cost; drastic or ruthless.
So, what words have you learned recently?
Yesterday I learned the definition of squicking. I wish I hadn’t.
misogy*ny (noun)
[Greek misogynia, from misein to hate + gyne woman – more at QUEEN]
First appeared circa 1656
: a hatred of women
– misogynic (adjective)
– misogy*nist (noun or adjective)
– misogynistic (adjective)
(May I add that I’ve seen none of this here? I think I like this place.)
While shopping at Pier One, I was told by a store clerk that my shoes were “Sas-o-matic.” Does that count?
Didn’t we have a member around here a while back who called himself Procrustes? I always loved the mythic Procrustes and his one-size-fits-all bed…if his guests were too tall, he cut them to fit; if they were too short, he stretched them on a rack.
I haven’t picked up any new words lately, but I have heard of a new cocktail called the William F. Buckley. Three drinks and you don’t know what you’re talking about.
– Thanx and a tip of the hat to “Laugh-In”
Gotta stop watching Firing Line or whatever show W.F. Buckley is on these days. Start using words like that in everday use then not only will you be the laughing stock of the playground but you’ll get beaten up for your lunch money on a more regular basis.
Aerynsunning (v) The act of having sex through the colostomy bag hole.
I just termed it in that other thread.
We did not need to hear that on this thread, SqrlCub. The other thread produces more than enough of a gag reflex as it is!
In elementary school, my friends occasionally referred to me as the “Living Lexicon”–after I happened to refer to a dictionary as a lexicon one day and had to explain the term. I don’t come across many new words, except for those that have recently been invented. Notably, I didn’t know “felching”, “squeef”, “squicking”, or <gag>“Aerynsunning” before SDMB. For once in my life, I think I would rather have remained ignorant…
Shimate! That should be “queef”.
Bad fingers! No Palmolive for you!
Sqrl, if you make me follow you around the board defending my UserName, I’m going to find the biggest strap-on available and give you a colostomy by the very method you wish to dub with my moniker!
WOOHOO! I was just teasing you AerynSun. I suppose that means there is no aerynsunning for me any longer… not that I would ever do it. hheheheh I am so bad.
Once in World History class, during the chapter on the Greeks, we had to get in groups of three and make flashcards for the names of the ancient Greeks we were supposed to be learning about. My group came up with this one, which wasn’t in the book:
Testicles (pronounced test-i-clees)
Co-ruled Groinia with his brother Penisus. Was an ally of the Trojans…it went on, but I don’t remember the rest. If you pronounce it right, it really does sound like an ancient Greek name.
Felching is new to me, but I already had a pretty good knowledge of the concept of squicking…I had some, ah, rather interesting friends/accomplices in high school.
Ah! A subject close to my… um, heart!
Which one? “Testicles” or “Felching”?
[hijack]At one of our local Ren Faires, there is a performance group called Sound & Fury who do send ups of classical plays, like Romeo and Juliet. One of their skits is called Testicles (pronounces Testikleez) and the Sack of Rome. It’s hilarious.[/hijack]
That’s the pronunciation we used, I just could’nt quite put it into type. Thanks. The other “names” on my index card were pronounced: Growinya and Peneesus.