News flash: Ann Coulter lies (what a surprise)

This should probably go in MPSIMS since I don’t have the energy to actually rant. But I talked to my Mom this morning and she mentioned hearing Ann Coulter on Wesley Clark. (To my Mom’s credit, she did say that she has to turn her off sometimes.)

She said this:

**Asked on “Meet the Press” what advice he would give Bush, Clark said: "I’d say, ‘Mr. President, the first thing you’ve got to do is you’ve got to surrender’ **

From the Meet the Press transcript (, this is the full quote:

I’d say, “Mr. President, the first thing you’ve got to do is you’ve got to surrender exclusive U.S. control over this mission.

How does this Bitch still get any air time?

It’s funny; she’s got such a reputation and history of doing this stuff that it’s hard to get up any outrage over it anymore.

She gets airtime because people really want to hear that. Because the people who listen to her and read her garbage don’t really care what Wesley Clark actually said.

However, the column you linked to has the whole quote:

I feel terrible about correcting you, since it’s not like lying about that quote would be beneath Coulter, but there it is at any rate. 95% of what comes out of her mouth is, at the very least, disingenuous.

Ha, thanks Jimmy Chitwood. I am usually a pretty carefull reader, but I missed that she actually inculded the rest of the quote after her “comment”.

I still think that if I missed that, it’s no wonder that my sainted mother missed it as well.

Now that’s funny. rsa, you did exactly what you accused Coulter of! I believe you that it was a mistake though.

Talk about karma.

Of course, that last comment she made about Clark sounding more like Gore every day was soooo accurate. It’s not as though the “Gore invented the internet” quote has been debunked several times, right? Or, for that matter, that Clark was claiming that he set things up in the Balkans. He said we, which, to me means we, the U.S., or we, the U.S. and U.N.

Erm, why do you think that AlGore-ritms are so important in computing then?

I’ve seen Al Gore dance, MC. Trust me, he’s got no rhythm.

Ew, did he do the thing with the thumbs? And the little kicks?


Lemme get this straight. The OP is bitching at Ann Coulter for mis-quoting. This makes her a bitch unworthy of airtime.

But, in reality, it’s the OP that is mis-quoting Ann Coulter. What does this make the OP?

More honest than Coulter. At least rsa came back and acknowledged his error. I have my doubts that Annie would do the same.

Maybe there is an Ann Coulter Law.

When you try to write down one of her mis-quotes, you will mis-qoute something. :smack:

And I doubt Delaware exists… doesn’t make it so.

So, are there instances of Coulter correcting her “errors”?

I guess this round goes to Ann.

I guess this round goes to Ann…
well, it would except for the rarely cited but well known ‘fucktard clause’ found in Section 5, Subsection 62a, paragraph 2 of the ‘rules of engagement’.


“Should it come to light that one or more members of either party are fucktards, then that party shall be deemed to have lost the debate by default. The domain of this rule is absolute and no further debate shall be entered into. As to the end of proving whether or not the person or persons in question are in fact fucktards, the fact of the matter is that when you deal with people like Ann Coulter, that shit’s so fucking obvious it’s not even funny”*

That said, it took the OP like what, two posts to apologise. Then again it’s not like he was risking much. There’s hardly an absence of evidence that Coulter is an agenda-driven liar. Hell, I’m in Australia and I’ve heard all about her.

Actually, just in case, I request that a mod censor the first post, since Coulter might use it as evidence that the liberal media is out to smear her good name.

Seems to me this isn’t the first time she has interrupted a quote at point where the break would make it seem to say something other than was actually said. While I am not a mind reader (nor do I play one on TV) I suspect this is deliberate.