Don’t know where else to put this, so I’m sticking it here.
Just heard on the radio that the council of clerics debating bin Laden’s fate in Afghanistan have adjourned and asked bin Laden to leave Afghanistan voluntarily.

Report also said it doesn’t know if the Taliban can MAKE him leave if he refuses.

Damn, Sammy, looks like you’re not a welcome guest anymore. Where you gonna go? Who will take you in with threatened US military action dogging your heels?

Hint: Don’t head for New York City.

Also here - no details yet:

Ananova site

It’s hit the wires:

Yep, right after I posted the first link Ananova linked added the link to that article.

I’m not even sure if this is good news or not - what if Iraq or someone like that takes him in? Although at least pounding on Iraq won’t be as unpopular as pounding on Afghanistan.

I think this is a bullshit delaying tactic myself.
He’s not going to leave Afghanistan and the Taleban are not going to allow his extradition (if a treaty exists) or force him to leave.
So it’s back to square one. IMO.

They can URGE him to do anything they want, it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. When I saw this story this morning, I immediately dismissed it because I knew nothing would come of it.

I agree with coosa, he can go to Iraq and we can kill two birds with one stone. Birds, terrorists–whatever.

Exactly. They’re giving been Hidin something he’s had all along: the opportunity to leave whenever he wants.

It’s a GOOD thing. The delicate dance of diplomacy requires steps like this.

It certainly is a good thing.
A few more days digging could almost make that trench a safe place.