NFL Conference Championships

Just hold the bottle label side out during Denver FG attempts and label side in for NE FG trys.

Blount’s day has started off a little differently than last week. Five rushes for six yards.

I guess I should’ve bet the under in the AFC game.

New England’s defense is getting rolled, while Denver’s defense is stout. Interesting how it has been nothing but talk about the quarterbacks, but the defenses are the story, IMO.

I don’t know, I think New England’s defense is playing pretty well. Manning just isn’t making any mistakes.

Yes. In general, this was one of the best-played games I’ve seen. There were hardly any glaring, costly mistakes by either team - just skill players performing at a high level.

Well, I was surprised. Pleased enough though.

It was a well-played game for the most part. Nice to watch two high-caliber teams slug it out. Denver was better today. They entered the season with a better roster and it showed in the end. As a Panther fan I’m happy to see John Fox get back to the Super Bowl. Even if I wasn’t always his biggest fan as an Xs and Os coach, he was always a pretty good guy.

My extremely scientific gambling method is this: If every single metric points to over, bet under.

I know it’s hard to compare eras, and different rules they play with, but I wouldn’t have much of an argument for people who want to say Peyton is the best NFL QB ever. I’m not saying it’s clear cut, but I’m saying it’s not out of the question.

Also, on a neutral field, I don’t see the 49ers or Seahawks beating the Broncos. My opinion , doesn’t mean shit of course, and teams that had no business winning (Giants) did so, but if I’m betting, I’m going Broncos.

Wow! What a way to start a game!

Freaking awesome way to start the game by the 49ers defense!

Both the Seahawks and 49ers are better than the Broncos, but there is always Peyton.

And a mediocre way to start the game by the 49ers offense.

No they’re not. Besides Peyton, the Denver offensive skill players are better than than Seattle or SF overall. Defensively, Denver is third, but they are not terrible.

Nice way to continue the game by the 49ers defense…

The Seattle crowd makes its presence felt.

And a mediocre way to continue the game by the 49ers offense. Unless Roman is setting up plays later in the game, or the refs let Vernon Davis hold the OLB all game, we may just go back and forth like this all game.

I’d take Gore over Moreno, and Crabtree/Boldin over Decker&co. And relatively speaking, Denver’s defense is terrible.

Of course you would. You’re a 49er fan.