niagra falls

I am trying to find out about my great great uncle who went over the falls on the 12 th July 1920 and died in the proccess of doing it.
I am now the last of the line of my side of the family and would like to find out more about my great great uncle

Charles Stephens.
Wiki says it was the 11th.

Google search for “Charles Stephens Niagara Falls”

Although the date given is July 11, I presume your great great uncle was Charles G. Stephens, the “Demon Barber of Bristol,” the first daredevil to be killed going over the falls in a barrel.

No disrespect to your gg uncle, but tying an anvil to your feet seems to be an exceptionally unwise thing to do when going over a waterfall (probably a factor in his winning a Darwin Award.)

Your great great uncle was a Bad Ass!

Is there any chance your great-great-uncle might have been Charles Stephens, who went over the falls on June 11?

Slowly I turned…

Especially since he seems to have been the Demon Barber of at least two different cities!

"When the huge barrel hit the water at the base of the waterfall, the anvil which was tied to Stephens’ feet was propelled through the bottom of the barrel taking Stephens to his death. " :eek: (:D)

The very first line in the Darwin Award article mentions his eleven children. A little late for that I would think.

Having had kids previously does not preclude winning a Darwin Award, just that you must be out of the gene pool (dead or sterile) after the act for which you are nominated.

The OP indicates he is the “last of his line,” but it’s unclear whether this includes his gg uncle’s line as well. As the link about points out, either nature or nurture could have worked against perpetuation of the uncle’s lineage.

inch by inch…

Relevant website: Daredevils of Niagara Falls

…step by step…

Well, except for the drunks that forgot to record themselves he does appear to be the stupidest based on the daredevil site.