Since I don’t have a credit card or PayPal,money orders cost £20 and mean the Powers That Be will have to tootle across most of Wisconsin and they don’t seem too keen on international cheques,will any Brits use their credit card to sponsor me and I will send you a cheque for the joining fee
If you wanna let me know your details,the email address is
WTF? are you talking about? You’re not talking about joining this board are you. Because this is an American board…
Or am I missing something here…
SHAKES, this is not an “American” board, per se. We have posters from all over the globe. I understood the OP to be asking for British sponsors because it would be easier for him/her to mail a check within that country, rather than mail one overseas.
Yep.Otherwise I would have to work out the exchange rate,mail a cheque in pounds for that to the Powers That Be,wait for them to get the cheque converted and cashed.
And I’m a Kiwi.I know our islands are stuck in the bottom corner of the world,but every now and then someone notices us
You could also ask an Australian to assist.
No swearing on the boards
I just can’t work out why you asked Brits- apart from this being a USA based board and knowing Brits are skinflints, why would you want to be in debt to one? (tongue firmly in cheek)
Although I’m a Kiwi I live in Britain.I keep trying to escape
I admire your sense. I love visiting Scotland- if I wasn’t so settled I would live there.
Damn right! Thank God there are no Kiwis, Brits, Aussies, Paddies, Brazilians, Germans, and especially none of those damn cloggie Dutch here!
six_personalities international money orders only cost about a fiver here in Ireland. Could you shop around? Once you’ve got one drawn up, it’s just a regular check, in $$, drawn on a US bank. All the Chicago Reader would have to do is put it in the bank.
(BTW if you want some more suggestions from a UK point-of-view, feel free to register at NADS, the UK/Ireland offshoot of the SDMB. It’s free!)
Ah we all escape for a few years, you’ll come back eventually. You will miss New Zillund oneday
Wouldn’t a credit card be useful to you?
They are free, provided you simply pay all your debt monthly.
Plus you get some ‘insurance’ benefits (on refunds when things go wrong).
(I have no business connection whatever to any credit card company.)
Yeah, I get that. But thanks for clairifying that for me though. Since the OP made reference to Wisconson I was thinking the op was American.
My bad, sorry.