Nightshadea, learn to type!

Nightshadea all your posts are riddled with mistakes. I won’t link to individual ones, as anybody can do a view posts by nightshadea, pick a post at random, and I guarantee there will be at least 5 mistakes.

Nightshadea, you are the worst by far. Almost everyone makes typos but you take the piss. Sort it out.

I agree … but this is not gonna go well.


If you’re going to go to the trouble of making a pit-thread, you could have the decency to at least link to ONE example of that of which you pit.


No cherry picking, those are just the last 5 posts.

He/she is posting from a phone, with the expected mistakes. That is not to excuse him/her (I am friggin ANAL about correcting mistakes, even on a phone and even on a quick message) but not everyone is like me. Unfortunately. :smiley:

Elipsys abuse! Elipsys abuse! Elipsys abuse!

Further, if I remember correctly, it is a early 60s Bell Labs rotary phone.


Why did she report this post as spam?


Sure looks like phone posting to me, but it’s LAZY phone posting. The spelling errors, the occasional use of text-speak, the lack of capitalization, etc.

Very irritating to try to decipher. And I’m not sure worth the effort.

Aww, crap!

I feel like even the name Nightshadea is a typo.

She lost me at “would of” for “would have”…

These threads are always my favorite.

i know wut u mean

Some posts I’ve read here sound like they’re written by someone using speech-to-text software on their phones.

Maybe you need to upgrade your phone.

I’m using iOS10 on a iPhone6 and I’m really impressed by the accuracy and ease of use of voice to text. Their beta transcription of voicemail to text is pretty damn accurate as well.

I’m not the one using speech-to-text software, so I don’t need to upgrade my phone, thank you very much.

If you want to maintain integrity of your similes, maybe you should.