We haven’t had a “Ginger or Mary Ann”-type thread in a while, so I figure it’s about time. C’mon, MTV generation, who would you most like to rock the casbah with? Nina Blackwood or Martha Quinn?
Martha. Definitely Martha. I’ve seen both Nina and Martha lately. Martha by a long shot.
Did I mention I like Martha?
Martha has that girl-next-door thing going on. I always thought Nina Blackwood looked a little like the woman at the carnival who hands you the darts to toss at the balloon between long drags on a Winston.
Definitely Martha. Even back in the 80s Nina looked like she had been rode hard and put away wet.
I definitely know I’m a child of the 80’s when I saw the title and knew exactly what this was gonna be.
I’m actually going to have to say Nina. She looks like the kind of gal who I’d go bar hopping–and going through a case of Jack Daniels with.
Another Martha.
Well since I’m a female lady person I couldn’t…oh hell, Martha.
Now ladies…JJ, Mark, or Alan??? I’d have to go with Mark; JJ was a little to serious and Alan was a bit too skinny.
…and Alan on the side
Martha, Martha, Martha.
With a side order of Allison Stewart.
Martha. No contest.
Gotta go with Nina. She looked like she had a couple of tricks up her sleeve. Martha looked just too cutesy and boring, the kind of chick who would just lay there and grunt, head turned to the side with her eyes closed waiting for you to finish.
Who says Hemingway is dead?
Let it snow, let it snow, let me hit Megabucks!
See, the way I would have put it would be to say that Nina looks like she had a couple of tricks …
waiting in the downstairs parlor.
I must respectfully disagree Gat. Nina always struck me as the type who would complain and tell one to hurry up. Martha seems more like the type who would enjoy foreplay.
Well, she did play a prostitute once.
Well, Martha was, and still is, hot. You have to remember though, Martha was seeing the Dead Boys’ singer the late Stiv Bator. Now, Stiv was one of my heros but I don’t know if I’d wanna have sex with someone who had sex with him. After all, this is a guy who intro’d the song Russian Roulette with a story about his band passing around six girls “and one of them had the clap”
Kurt Loder = in my heart + 4ever.
My notebook for 4th period math says ‘Mr. Tim Loder’ on it.
Yeah, I knew exactly what this was about from the thread title. sigh
Martha. If only because she was the only VJ (of all of them) who actually knew something about music.
That’s not true. J J Jackson knew his stuff. He even had a hit record in the fifties/early sixties called oo ma li di (or something like that. I could dig out the record if anybody needs to know). One of the funniest things I ever heard him say was…“now here’s some news about Jackson Browne from the brown Jackson” hahaha
Hey – What am I? Chopped Liver?
Oh, and Martha of course.
Sigh. Maybe I’m the only NPR listener here, a guy who thought this would be Nina Totenburg vs. Martha Raddatz. Foo.
–Nott, the confuser