Mary Ann or Ginger?

This really pisses me off. A few months ago some of my fellow cops and I got into a heated debate one night over the “Ginger vs. Mary Ann” issue after we all got done finishing up a traffic accident. I took Mary Ann’s side since my premise was that I would much rather get stuck on a desert island with a “girl next door” type than a Hollywood starlet. Naturally I and a few other brave souls were immediately exiled into the minority of opinion and publicly chastised and mocked for our beliefs. The other day while playing softball one of the Ginger Faction yelled out something profane about Mary Ann, prompting me to throw a full can of beer into left field to silence the heretic. Anyway, is this a question that is deep down in the psyche for guys “Ginger v. Mary Ann”?

“…send lawyers, guns, and money…”

 Warren Zevon

I never met anybody who picked Ginger.

Doesn’t seem like anything to waste a full can of beer over…

Mary Anne in a heartbeat. And while I’m at it, let me add that I lusted after Bailey and not Jennifer on “WKRP in Cincinatti”.

Finally, Betty was hotter than Veronica.

Definitely Mary Ann. Sure, Ginger was easier but Mary Ann wasn’t all that innocent, plus she was much better looking.
I remember one time in the supply hut…no, I’d better not say.

Mary Ann by a long shot, but every once in a while I used to think about Mrs Howell…okay, okay, maybe it was the money that was the driving force.

Veronica was hotter, and Jughead was smarter.

I also chose Betty White over Rue MacClanahan in the “Golden Girls”.

Okay, maybe you detect a theme here - just to let you know I liked Jennifer in WKRP and have always been in lust with Adrienne Barbeau (sp) from Maude and the classic movies “The Fog” and Swamp Thing" -

Now that is the theme that I wish to project

The worst thing that can possibly happen is not be used for something by someone - Kurt Vonnegut

All that casting couch experience…

An ancient Irish belief states that when you die, St. Peter puts you up-side down into a barrel containing all the beer you have spilled in your lifetime, and if you drown–TO HELL WITH YOU! ;]

Mrs. Howell

Anybody but the Skipper.

May I add a female perspective here?

The Professor was a HOTTIE!

Yeah, Bailey always did it for me over Jennifer on WKRP, even with her glasses on. Come to think of it, in all my teenage fantasies, she never took off her glasses.

“…send lawyers, guns, and money…”

 Warren Zevon

All these men saying that they like Mary Ann sure made me do a double take!

Sometimes life is so great you just gotta muss up your hair and quack like a duck!

Mary-Ann hands down. No contest.

Also, as with others, Bailey over Jennifer from WKRP.

Of course, if I could choose anybody it would be my wife. I have to include that. Married folks will understand why.

I’ll second Ginger. For the same reasons daniel gave.

I live in Manhattan. Ginger is the girl next door.

Although I always preferred Jessie over Kelly on Saved by the Bell.

Maryann, not even close. 90% of the guys I know agree.

Bailey, too, even though I’d be afraid of Les Nessman following us.

I wonder if Dawn Wells and Jan Smithers know of the adolescent lust they inspired. I guess so…

I also agree with the Mary Anne and Bailey as being the best.

Why is it that there have been several shows that have two female roles and eventhough one is supposed to be the better looking, many would choose the other?

Personally, I felt that Mary Anne was better looking, not just the attitude.

Now on Home Improvement, I would take both Heidi and Jill.


Yeah, I have to go with Mary Ann/Jessie/Bailey/Betty/etc. etc. etc. =)

I guess I’ve never been attracted to the really glamorous and really beautiful women in life or in entertainment. I’ve always been attracted to women who are pretty but not drop-dead gorgeous. Not sure why. =)

If I was stuck in a desert island, I’d take both, that way you have the best of both worlds!

But what about Wilma or Betty?

“Its fiction, but all the facts are true!”

Definitely Betty Sox. I like redheads, I married one, but I think Wilma’s voice just annoys me too much. I like Betty’s better.
