As a response to Beer of Choice I have to offer the anti-thread for balance.
I’m sure I’m not alone when I say I hate beer. I tried it once when I was younger and for some reason just never developed the taste for it that my peers seem to have. Nowadays, I can’t stand either the taste or the smell of it.
I suppose that makes me an outcast among men, unless we have others who feel the same as I do.
I like beer, but not good beer. Only light, cheap, flavorless beer, the kind most beer fans would refuse to touch and be embarrassed to be seen in the same room with. Which is why I didn’t even bother to open that other thread.
Any of you Texans: Does “Pearl Light” ring a bell? Right up Cranky’s alley.
I’m with you Eutychus55. Beer is NASTY! It’s just bread in a bottle if you ask me.
My potent potable of choice is rum (Bacardi dark) and coke, or any fruit juice mixed with vodka (preferably Stoly).
Unfortunately I live in a “moist” city, which means I can get beer or wine everywhere (including the gas station), but I have to drive an hour round-trip for liquor. So I just buy it by the liter.
I don’t like most beer, or even stuff made with beer, like beer biscuits. But I found out that what I don’t like is the flavor of the hops, so if I can find a beer without hops, it’s not bad at all. However, I’ve only found one beer like that, and it was a really obscure brand at a bar that had a lot of odd beers (and was in a different city) and I didn’t retain the name.
Up until a month ago I’d be right there with yuo Euty, then I discuvered Becks. Becks is a pretty tasteless beer (or is it lager I can barely tell the difference) and, unlike many beers, it doesn’t make you want to vomit up your own small intestines in abortive attempts to rid it from your system. It aint particularly tasty either but if you’re out with the lads its an acceptable substitute and you won’t get the piss taken out of you for drinking it.
I HATE the nasty stuff. It’s bitter, and the smell is absolutely disgusting. I’ve even tried some of the supposedly good stuff (draft lager and bitter while visiting England), and that stuff was pretty awful, too.
You’ll keep my secret, right? I’ve always been afraid that if I told anyone, they would come back and rescind my degree ---- I think I’m the only one who made it through the College of Engineering that didn’t absolutely worship the stuff.
I won’t drink beer. I drink very little to begin with, but beer seems like a waste of time. I mean, if someone wants to get drunk, why screw around with beer? You have to drink a lot more of it than anything else. It also tastes terrible.
Not a big beer fan. If the beer is bland enough for me to drink, there’s not much point in it. Rum is good. Bourbon and other whiskeys can be good. Hard apple cider is my (beer analog) drink of choice.
Beer is icky. I don’t like wine or coffee either. My tastebuds never grew up- my favorite drinks are sweet things like Dr.Pepper, and girly alcoholic drinks like grasshoppers (what my beloved alcoholic father calls ‘pussy drinks’).
I do like mead, however, and can brew a fairly good batch like any good pagan girl.
Definitely hate beer. When I was growing up, it used to be some kind of family trad that beer was consumed at New Year’s. As a kid, they’d pour out a shandy. Hateithateithateit. I rebelled one year an’ told them I wanted the shandy as lemonade-lemonade, hold the blasted beer.
I see beer drinkers all around me, and a fair percentage of the aluminium cans I pick up in the street used to contain the stuff. Personally, I say: to each his or her own.
I don’t like the taste of beer at all. My alcohol of choice is usually rum, mixed with pretty much any type of fruit juice, but I actually prefer caffeine to alcohol anyway.