I’m talking about the number one - one.
Can’t find it anywhere.
I’m talking about the number one - one.
Can’t find it anywhere.
Coherent, much, are we?:dubious:
The first one, Bos
I googled around for you, but I can’t see the original version anywhere for free or sale. Amazon has a couple of updated versions for sale.
It reminds me of the version of Oregon Trail I used to play. The version they are calling the “retro” version now is much more advanced than the version I played as a kid. My version was mostly text with a few ASCII images, an loaded from a cassette onto a Commodore PET. I can’t find it anywhere.
I have all 3 of the free Elf Bowling games. Would you like me to email them to you?
You realize you may have quite a few requests for those.
Nary a one so far. I may get away clean!
This is the first one I ever saw. freechristmasscreensavers.com - This website is for sale! - freechristmasscreensavers Resources and Information.
It was at the second link that showed up in a Google search for “elf bowling” (no quotes). Isn’t that the one you want?
P.S. Google for cheats!
I’ll send you my email addy when I get back to the computer.