What say you?
I loved weird videos like that. The pulsating shoulders & body was cool. But the Hendrix part was a little creepy. That’s something from my nightmares. The way he hopped out and back in again. shudder
You can’t fault Devo for being weird. Weirdness was the point. If you’re looking for other similar videos check out Primus or the Residents.
Windowlicker by Aphex Twin is pretty screwed up. I won’t link it because it’s quite NSFW, but it’s on YouTube. It’s quite long, and doesn’t get REALLY weird until about 4 minutes in.
Apparently you’ve never seen “Happiness in Slavery” by Nine Inch Nails:
[spoiler]The music video for “Happiness in Slavery” features performance artist Bob Flanagan entering a large room. He places a flower and a candle on an altar and ritualistically removes all of his clothing and washes himself before becoming strapped into a machine with long robotic claws that arise from the machine and subsequently tear apart his skin and stimulate his genitalia. The man reacts in pleasure as this occurs. There are also drills that apparently drill into his skin in various places letting the man’s blood drip on the floor, where there appears to be an unspecified garden that is fertilized by human blood.
Later on in the video, large grinders emerge from the machine and cause extreme damage to the man’s skin. He continues to scream in pain and pleasure until he dies. The machine then engulfs the man’s body and grinds it into a fertilizer for the garden below. – Wiki.[/spoiler]
Come out to playyyy!
Can U dig It?
Early, Groundbreaking, Dig (didge).
Pretty messed up.
Gotta dig the Pajama Pirate.
Total Eclipse of the Heart, complete with ninjas and starry-eyed choir boys.
also, the literal version.
Aw, shinjinn! That’s what I came to post.
Anyways, I think there could be some good literals of Devo, too.
Spin around, ninjas
That video was about average for 1984. You could find weirder ones by randomly turning on MTV. Those were the days.
That’s the one I was going to mention! So creepy.
If you want weird videos, I can only recommend this one: http://www.you tube.com/watch?v=L9XC_sYp0g0
Warning! Intentionally broken link. Very NSFW. Marginally not safe for brain.
Chi-Lip by Ai Otsuka
ETA: I just noticed that’s not the original singer’s voice. Somebody named “Windy” is singing over it. Ai has a much better voice.
Wow. What the heck was that?
About 10 years ago, I was watching MTV with a couple of friends (don’t judge us - there was nothing else on) when this clip started. I quickly reached for the remote, when one of my friends asked:
“Wait - why are you changing the channel? This looks good”.
My second friend, who had also seen it before, answered very gravely:
“Trust us. You do NOT want to see this clip.”
My first friend, being a stubborn sort, protested. The second friend caught my eye. I shrugged: his funeral.
We both got up to get some beers. 20 seconds later, the screaming started.
I always thought this video was messed up:
But after watching that Russian one, I’m not sure anything beats that. I’m afraid to see the other nominees! :eek:
Cobra Starship - Church of Hot Addiction
It starts off normal, slowly drifts into “not entirely sure what’s going on, but not too strange” to a slow morph to repeated "wait… WHAT!?"s.
Same here! I think my brain is broken.