What is the wierdest or creepiest music vid you have ever seen? Aphex Twin’s “Come to Daddy” here.
Basin Street Blues by Kid Koala is weird, wonderful, and heart-warming.
Anything Marylin Manson. Except that new “obscene” video, that one wasn’t that bad.
Not anything by Manson…“Tainted Love” wasn’t weird or scary.
My picks (off the top of my head):
Weirdest: Tool “Sober”
Scariest imagery: NIN “Closer”
Scariest idea: Rage Against the Machine “Sleep Now in the Fire”- if what it says about the NYSE being shut down because of their performance is true.
Scariest concept: Men Without Hats “Safety Dance”- Somebody did way, way to much drugs
Most any Tori Amos or Kate Bush video would fall into the weirdest category.
There was a video (possibly Tool) in which a puppet guy opens up some pipes and there’s what looks like meat flowing through them. Creepy and disturbing.
Yeah, the Tool ones are mostly wierd. That one where those dwarves vomited blue crap was wierd too. I’d personally like to see a song made to fit some of the imagery of Un Chien Andalou. That’d be wonderful.
The new Korn video is pretty grotesque even if it is all animated. Actually can’t bear to watch.
Cradle of Filth has come up with some doozies in their day as well. Not a fan of the band but one video which comes to mind cannot be played on regular television. If I recall, it features several people using a violin bow to sever their wrists, spilling blood into a tub full of blood and a zombie woman reveling in the whole productions. yuck
There was one by a death metal band that featured real images of mutilated corpses and such. It was banned by MTV.
The Aphex Twin’s Come To Daddy and Windowlicker both disturbed me the first time I saw them.
Sigur Ros’ Vaka–the untitled first track from their current album, ( )–has a horribly disturbing post-apocalyptic video, all black snow, bloody skies and children in gas masks.
When I was little, Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” scared the heck out of me. I had to leave the room whenever it was playing. And they played it a lot on MTV then.
I always thought Tom Petty’s “Last Dance With Mary Jane” was pretty bizarre. The imagery is eerie and hauting. I love that video. Madonna’s “Bedtime Story” was extremely weird, as was her video for “Nothing Really Matters” which featured jerky, kabuki-like dancing. I know there are others I’ve seen, but I can’t think of them right now.
I Believe in a Thing Called Love, by The Darkness
NIN Hurt is pretty gross. Alot of rotting animal corpses.
Tool used to be pretty bad but since so many of them are nearly the same it’s sort of ‘been there done that’
One of the first ones I ever saw (late 70’s) still strikes me as pretty weird (but not particularly scarey)…
Shrink - Valid or Void
Another weird one, also from that same time period…
Devo - Satisfaction (or was it Jocko Homo? Hell, it was probably both.)
I second (or third) Come to Daddy. Also, I believe it was Firestarter by The Prodigy that featured Keith Flint in a tunnel. I found that video quite creepy, not just because of Keith Flint (although he is kinda scary looking). There was something about that video, maybe the lighting, or camera angles that created a very effective mood.
I second the votes for Marilyn Manson, at least his videos made before “The Dope Show” album. After seeing him with breast in the video fo “Dope Show,” it’s hard for me to veven take him seriously now, much less be disturbed.
My vote for #1 though goes to Pearl Jam’s “Jeremy.” That video is scary both because of it’s style and because what that song is about and what the video portrayed (disturbed kids massacring their classmates) seemed to sharply increase afterward. I’m not claiming the video is responsible, just saying the coincidence is creepy.
Google “Ballad of Bilbo Baggins Leonard Nimoy”
That right there is the weirdest, most terrifing music video I have ever seen.
I am going to go rock myself in a corner now.
Well, I haven’t been paying much attention lately, but for just out and out WEIRD, I think Bjork has that market covered in spades. She even beats Tori Amos in terms of just odd imagery.
For scary, I thought that Don’t Come Around Here No More by Tom Petty was pretty scary, as was * Black Hole Sun *. I’m sure there are more scary things now (none of which are Marylin Manson, I find his stuff just the posturings of a sad and pathetic mind), but off-hand couldn’t tell you what.
The video does not show a kid massacring his classmates. It shows a kid commiting suicide in front of his classmates. Subtle difference, and the video doesn’t make the distinction clear, but the band has clearly stated that suicide is what the video is meant to show.
The original cut of “Jeremy” actually showed the boy put a gun in his mouth and pull the trigger, but MTv balked and insisted they change it. So the widely-seen version does make it seem ambiguous as to just what happened, which is why so many people call it a “foreshadowing of Columbine” video.
I did manage to find the original, uncut version on a local file-sharing network. All I gotta say is…I can see why they changed it.