Non-Sleeper cell -- for those who want to ramble at night, not bright and early

Tests just came back…Whatever it is, it isn’t Covid-19.

Good luck to Czarcasm and to Spice_Weasel and husband.

And to everyone else who needs it –

Good news, Czarcasm!

If you feel a gust, it’s my enormous sigh of relief. Good news, Czarcasm!

But doesn’t that mean cancer is still on the table? I’ll be thinking of you.

ETA: Sr. Weasel appears to have a perfectly typical cold. He’s not overjoyed but I think we’re in the clear.

Yeah @Spice_Weasel it does mean that, unfortunately.

In other news, I saw The HU’s video for Song of Women featuring Lizzy Hale for the first time. Not my favorite song of theirs, but this version really hit me like a 2x4. You were the 4th person I thought of, being a new Mom and all. Not like that, just, your a new Mom and despite the title the song is really about Mom(if you go by the visuals in the video) not just any women.
My Mom got extra hugs that evening when I went to see her.
(I’d post a link but youtube and my browser seem to be conspiring to not allow that today)

Googling that brought it right up. (despite there being no I in Lzzy, apparently.)


Thank you, that’s so thoughtful! I had never heard of the HU before. Motherhood is definitely a special experience. Spice Kit has just learned to scream! He wants to practice all the time. I have a headache now, lol.

LOL Spice Weasel, wait till he learns to say no…

Uh, yup, oops.

Damm wandering i, those things are always going where they shouldn’t :wink:

Well I (there’s one now) had never heard of either Lzzy or the Hu; so I was way behind you on that one.

Somebody, Czarcasm maybe? I forget and can’t seem to find the thread, posted a link to The HU “Wolf Totem” (I won’t tell you to avoid the american version with whats his face from that one band singing the vocals in english, but I think it’s terrible listen to the original first) and that was the hook that dragged me back into music appreciation. I got The HU, Teneger Cavalry, (several mongolian bands actually)Babymetal, F.Hero, Heilung, exploring Vietnamese and Syrian and Egyptian metal and rap right now.

Not one single english speaking or american band, I think partly I ignored music because I was tired of american top 40 mass market pap music

0036 here in Melbourne Australia. I’ve had a difficult few months along with my fellow Victorians. We’ve had a long lockdown which has been hard.

I found out that a former colleague died in her early 40’s, my first high school crush (42 years old) has only weeks or days to live and my boyfriend broke up with me out of the blue in the space of 5 days. That was a month ago. I was blindsided, it’s been awful.

I couldn’t eat, barely slept, I lost 31 pounds in 17 days. I had gained most of that during lockdown, so although not a healthy method, certainly needed.

At the ripe old age of 41, I decided that I would reach out to my friends and let them know I was hurting, my usual M.O. was to shut down and avoid people until I felt better. I just counted and I have 11 friends who are reaching out to me regularly, some more often than others.

Eleven friends! Besties, old colleagues, new friends, eleven whole people who think of me and take the time to check in, or send me a meme that will make me smile.

I have my confidence back, my whimsy, my belief that kindness is found in so many places and that’s a reason to look forward to tomorrow.

I had a date tonight, this man is kind, respectful and makes me laugh we are going to have another date soon. Due to restrictions, it’s coffee and a walk but there is some chemistry there, buzzing under the surface. It’s like being a teenager, I like him and wonder if he is a good kisser.

If you’ve read this far thank you, I highly recommend reaching out if you’re not used to it.

I’m so glad you reached out, Bells. I tend not to reach out myself. My friends know I have depression but I don’t like to talk about it when I’m going through it. Right now I am okay - not great, not bad - and that has held pretty steadily the last seven months. (The first week my son was born was bad. But I recovered once I got some sleep.) I guess I’m always playing that game of, “Well, it’s better then the worst I’ve ever been, so I should be content.”

Also congrats on your date! I am a romance evangelist. Love is the most powerful force on earth. I’ve been with my sweetheart for 18 years and it just gets better and better.

I want to contribute something fun to this thread but my mind goes to such dark places at night. It’s a part of my insomnia. I even have a running joke with myself: “Why am I suddenly thinking about the Holocaust? Oh, it must be 10pm.”

This time of year is a rough one. That’s probably true for many people. I just tend to get stuck on events that happened over 20 years ago. It’s a disruptive pain in the ass.

Oh, yeah. Started to get a snow fall tonight that looked just like the night of my accident almost three years ago and my PTSD shot up so sharply I almost had to pull over and park. It’s not like I have someone I can call and ask to ferry out another driver to me because I’ve been paralyzed by remembered fear. Gives alone a new definition.

Going to bed scares me. I wasn’t afraid as a kid but now there ARE monsters under the bed as well as the ones in my head.

…it’s not as bad as the worst I’ve ever been and I survived then so this too shall pass. Dang, this is a sad excuse for self-care.

Going to bed with a bit of guilt-Every one of my youngest sister’s family, five brothers and one sister and Mom, forgot her birthday. She is a bit pissed and rightly so.

I tend to put off going to bed because I dread being alone with my thoughts and unable to sleep. Is there such a thing as fear of insomnia? If so, I’ve got it. I usually read in bed until I start falling asleep. You know what’s funny? I hate thinking mine is the last light on in the complex. I have no idea why.

Bells, I’m sorry you went through such a rough time. Wow, talk about the worst way to lose weight! But I’m so glad things are looking up. And you’re dating in the age of COVID, which cheers me up no end. So have you seen the bottom half of his face yet? :slight_smile:

Boo, I have this sad mental image of you sitting at the side of the road consoling and cheering yourself on. If it helps, you could always call me. I’d be glad to be your nurturing friend, even if I can’t ferry you home. (My driving blind would scare the bejeebers out of you.)

Czarcasm, I don’t blame kid sister, either. It happened to me one year. I didn’t even get a birthday card in the mail. I’ve learned not to measure others by stuff like that, but it’s still tough. One time when Mom was still alive, we went to the dollar store, and she asked me to pick out a year’s worth of birthday cards for a bunch of people. I did, and then she said, “Pick one out of yourself, too.” I got such a laugh out of that. And when my birthday rolled around, there was the card I’d picked out, with “Surprise!” written inside. :slight_smile:

Damn. I shouldn’t think about Mom late at night. I always end up crying. I still miss her, and it’s been 10 years.

You already are :wink:

Loved this~your mom sounds like mine. I miss her too~she taught me to love with wild abandon, with her ‘mom’ was a verb.

Wishing all and sundry the night they need and long for.

Hell, I’d love a birthday card. Or a Christmas card.

This year has been so difficult. I’ve had my birthday, but received no cards, or other greetings from friends. For Christmas, I might get a few, from relatives, and business associates. Things they feel that they must do–not one that greets me for me.

'Nuff said for now.

I would give a lot for a birthday card too~Christmas cards are nice, especially if it has a sentence or two about how you are, more than just a signature. I think I got two last year.

I did, however, mention the 49ers when I lit the candle for the Chiefs and look how it worked out! :smile:. I thought of you today while I watched the Chiefs cavort in the snow in Colorado.

@Spoons and @BippityBoppityBoo plz P.M. me your mailing address.
I have an abundance of postcards, and - occasionally - a shitload of time. Not necessarily mental energy, so it may be a bit.

But I would love to mail y’all a bit of something.

I’m sitting here over-digesting a shitty work situation from two? three? years ago. It was BAD and I only took it out of desperation after quitting a worse job (nine anna half years - couldn’t make it long enough for that stupid 10-yr pin) and I’m only now strong enough to mentally rehearse what I shoulda said back then.