What percentage of people who vote Republicans are non-white?
Voted for Bush:
9% of African Americans.
35% of Hispanic Americans.
41% of Asian Americans.
39% of Other.
The numbers are a little difficult to understand like that. 81% of voters were white, and 54% of white voters voted for Bush. So 43.7% of voters were white voters who voted for Bush. Working similarly with the other races, 0.9%, 2.5%, 0.8%, and 0.4% of voters voted for Bush and were African American, Hispanic American, Asian American, and Other, respectively. So 4.6% of voters were not white and voted for Bush. Using this, 9.5% of Bush voters were not white.
While I’m at it, 30.6% of Gore voters were not white, and 19% of voters overall were not white.
Sorry, I should have said, all of the numbers I used came from Walloon’s link.