The other thread was getting a bit cumbersome, what with all of Falcon’s sniping (no small fault of mine.
Since there were no objections, here’s the game plan:
Fri. 25 Aug., (p.m.) – East Coast Dopers pour into the Tidewater Area check into hotels. Un-official meetings, beverages imbibed.
Sat. 26 Aug., 1030 – Dopers gather at Norfolk Naval Naval Station Pass and I.D. office. ChiefScott introduces himself. POV (personally owned vehicles) on-base passes distroed. Safety/security rules discussed. Visit list verified.
Sat. 26 Aug., 1050 – Enter base. POV transit to Pier 12 visitors’ parking lot.
**Sat. 26 Aug., 1100 – **Board IKE. Commence tour.
Note: Tour includes: Navigation Brige, Flight Deck Control, Flight Deck, Launch/Recovery procedures, Flight Deck Photo OP, fo’c’s’le, Hangar Bays, 5-Star Room, static aircraft display, Jet Engine Shop, Mess Decks, and Medical. Time may be alotted for additional spaces, if interested.
Off limits spaces – Reactor/Engineering Space, spaces containing classified information, magazines, CDC, CATCC and as designated by CDO.
Sat. 26 Aug., 1400 – Depart IKE. Re-load vehicles.
Sat. 26 Aug., 1415 – (If Dopers’ intersted, tour NAVBASE Norfolk, to include Jamestown Exposition Buildings (Great White Fleet World’s Fair).
Sat. 26 Aug., 1500 – Depart Base. Return passes. Gather at Pass and I.D. Final wrap-up.
Sat. 26 Aug., 1500-1930 – Free time.
Sat. 26 Aug., 1930-?? – Official Norfolk Dopefest. I’m thinking a downtown waterfront bar. Possibly at Waterside.
Sat./Sun. – Return to hotel/depart area as required.
These’re the folks who’ve expressed an interest in attending:
Aenea, hubby and a possible hotty for Scotty
(p.s. aenea, I sent you a photo. How 'bout returning the favor!)
SmoothOperator +1
PolyCarp +1
RTFirefly +1
Highlander +2 Highlander Jrs
Cabbage +2
If you’ve realized you can’t make it, let me know. I want to keep the Tour Group to about 25. It’ll make life easier if I don’t have to go outside my department for tour support.
As for other activities, all are invited.
I will get hotel information out in the very near future. I hope to possibly guilt Falcon into giving me a hand.
Other questions or concerns, let me know here.
Remember, I’m going to need driver’s license and insurance information to obtain passes for you to enter base. I can get you on the ship. If you feel this may be a problem, let me know!! I’ll e-mil more information on this when the time comes.