Norfolk Dopefest Muster List

The other thread was getting a bit cumbersome, what with all of Falcon’s sniping (no small fault of mine.

Since there were no objections, here’s the game plan:
Fri. 25 Aug., (p.m.) – East Coast Dopers pour into the Tidewater Area check into hotels. Un-official meetings, beverages imbibed.

Sat. 26 Aug., 1030 – Dopers gather at Norfolk Naval Naval Station Pass and I.D. office. ChiefScott introduces himself. POV (personally owned vehicles) on-base passes distroed. Safety/security rules discussed. Visit list verified.

Sat. 26 Aug., 1050 – Enter base. POV transit to Pier 12 visitors’ parking lot.

**Sat. 26 Aug., 1100 – **Board IKE. Commence tour.

Note: Tour includes: Navigation Brige, Flight Deck Control, Flight Deck, Launch/Recovery procedures, Flight Deck Photo OP, fo’c’s’le, Hangar Bays, 5-Star Room, static aircraft display, Jet Engine Shop, Mess Decks, and Medical. Time may be alotted for additional spaces, if interested.
Off limits spaces – Reactor/Engineering Space, spaces containing classified information, magazines, CDC, CATCC and as designated by CDO.

Sat. 26 Aug., 1400 – Depart IKE. Re-load vehicles.

Sat. 26 Aug., 1415 – (If Dopers’ intersted, tour NAVBASE Norfolk, to include Jamestown Exposition Buildings (Great White Fleet World’s Fair).

Sat. 26 Aug., 1500 – Depart Base. Return passes. Gather at Pass and I.D. Final wrap-up.

Sat. 26 Aug., 1500-1930 – Free time.

Sat. 26 Aug., 1930-?? – Official Norfolk Dopefest. I’m thinking a downtown waterfront bar. Possibly at Waterside.

Sat./Sun. – Return to hotel/depart area as required.

These’re the folks who’ve expressed an interest in attending:

Aenea, hubby and a possible hotty for Scotty

(p.s. aenea, I sent you a photo. How 'bout returning the favor!)
SmoothOperator +1
PolyCarp +1
RTFirefly +1
Highlander +2 Highlander Jrs
Cabbage +2

If you’ve realized you can’t make it, let me know. I want to keep the Tour Group to about 25. It’ll make life easier if I don’t have to go outside my department for tour support.

As for other activities, all are invited.

I will get hotel information out in the very near future. I hope to possibly guilt Falcon into giving me a hand.

Other questions or concerns, let me know here.

Remember, I’m going to need driver’s license and insurance information to obtain passes for you to enter base. I can get you on the ship. If you feel this may be a problem, let me know!! I’ll e-mil more information on this when the time comes.

And now I’m off to my rack.

My lonely, small rack.

Well, I’ve got little tiger to dream about at least!

I’ll be there, probably with hubby. Possible hotty is still just a possibility, not sure yet. Some co-workers express interest, in the boat, anyways. :stuck_out_tongue:
::walks away laughing as she pictures Chief Beer "And now I’m off to my rack. My lonely, small rack. "

alone, with his “awesome piece of man meat”. ::

You know, it just figures that y’all would plan this for the ONE TIME in the next ten years I’m not going to be in Virginia. Snarl.

Because it’s all about ME, damnit! (Snort.)

SNIPING??? And another thing. You know, I flirt with the man all over the freaking board, and he’s looking at another hotty for the trip. SHEESH!

Yes, I’m coming. And yes, I’d be more than happy to help out with finding hotels, Chiefy. Especially if this job in Richmond works out.

Whoa! I never heard about this, and dammit I live in Norfolk.

I know for a fact that you’ve seen my pic, you’ve made enough jokes about it. Who’s pic did you want to see?

Bluesman and I will be there, Lord willin’ an’ the creek don’t rise.

While I would be absolutely thrilled to attend, this little shindig is only about a nine hour drive for me! I am probably not going to be able to make it. Please send me pictures of ChiefScott, someone! Anyone!

aenea – I thought we were gonna trade photos. Mine for the lurker your bringing! Oh, well. I know I scare some ladies off.

Count me and Peta Tzunami in. Any chance to meet Polycarp and Melin in one trip cannot be missed!

evilbeth -

There’s a pic of the Chief at my website. Be prepared to drool.

I claim no responsibility for activated salivation glands.
Musk, adrenal and estrogen glands,yes; salivation glands, no.


Drain Bead will not be able to attend, as she will be out of town that weekend I believe.

Actually, she will be in town… HER town! Sorry, but I’ll be there!

Yer pal,

Two months, three weeks, six days, 13 hours, 45 minutes and 15 seconds.
3542 cigarettes not smoked, saving $442.86.
Life saved: 1 week, 5 days, 7 hours, 10 minutes.

Brian, I’ve alerted the Barber Shop. They will have a three-man crew standing by.

Chief - Maybe you think that Drainy being in Ohio would allow you to do this and escape without retribution.

Now, is this a chance you wish to take…? :eek:

Yer pal,

Two months, three weeks, six days, 14 hours, 30 minutes and 52 seconds.
3544 cigarettes not smoked, saving $443.02.
Life saved: 1 week, 5 days, 7 hours, 20 minutes.

So anyway, just out of curiosity, who else here lives in NOrfolk or Hampton Roads?

I can’t give a definite yes just yet, but I will come if I can get the day off from work. Hey Chief, do ya think you could sneak me into the Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility in Portsmouth? My former ship, USS Cape Cod (AD-43), is sitting there waiting to be sniff disposed of. Poor ole gal was only 13 years old when they mothballed her. I was so sad when I discovered that. But anyway…I’ll come if I can.

I went to Falcon’s website, I saw ChiefScott and I figure, what’s nine hours between friends?

I’m working on it! Too bad absolutely NO ONE lives near me to carpool with!!! (I have a none-too-stable vehicle!)