Okay, they bitched and moaned and whined…(and nagged as instructed), so I’m going to open the Norfolk Doperfest-Picturefest Gallery early–before everything is hung good and proper on the walls.
I still have to finish the Ootback Section (there were only like a kajillion pictures from dinner–many of which will be worth the wait), but for those who would like to see what we did in Norfolk please proceed in an orderly manner to the site. Personally, I will be RADFChief and finishing the dinner pictures soon (very soon if my boss stops walking by! ;)).
I’ll let y’all know when that section is complete as well, until then…
Very nice Peta…sorry to have missed this one. I only live about an hour and a half away but forgot. Made other plans and then decided not to even try and attend. I was sorry I didn’t. Oh well maybe next time.
Wow… Great job! Please let us all know when the Ootback pictures are done!
Oh, and don’t be mean to me about how I finally got you the pictures… I had to scan them and then, since the images scan in dark on Drain Bead’s scanner, take them home to lighten in Photoshop.
I was just being thorough…
Yer pal,
Four months, four weeks, one day, 16 hours, 6 minutes and 29 seconds.
6066 cigarettes not smoked, saving $758.35.
Extra life with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 1 hour, 30 minutes.
Hey, I’m just givin’ what I get. You didn’t expect me to take the fall alone, did you? <Bwahahahahahahaha!> If I’m going down for being slow (but thorough and hopefully creative) I’m taking as many with me as I can. Besides, what better excuse can one have then “the devil (aka Satan) made me late!”
And thanks to everyone else for all the kind remarks. Its means a lot. What can I say, I aim to please (sometimes I miss the target, but that’s my aim, and I’m sticking to it!). Of course, someone else may be taking aim at ME when he has access to a computer again…[smilie intentionally omitted]