Hmm. Looks like it’s gonna rain a bit.
Better make sure legal gun-owners can’t leave their property.
Nope, can’t have all those law-abiding registered gun owners running around armed, doncha know. Sure, they behave most of the time, but you get 'em wet, & those bastards are liable to do ANYTHING!
Perhaps not strong enough for the Pit, but screw Gov. Perdue, and the democrats who oppose the simple exception for law-abiding citizens.
You may remember New Orleans had even worse problemsfollowing Katrina…
What’s misleading about it? NC has apparently decided the Second Amendment doesn’t apply because of a hurricane…which from their perspective, is likely to be mostly a lot of rain and some wind.
It’s when stuff like this happens that I have to remind people that I only moved here a few months ago and didn’t have a chance to vote for or against these goofballs, and that it’s even worse in SC.
“(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, it is unlawful for any person to transport or possess off his own premises any dangerous weapon or substance in any area:”
Bolding mine
This is consistent with the Supreme Court ruling from District of Columbia v. Heller the gist of which is summed up in the findings as:
“[a]ssuming that Heller is not disqualified from the exercise of Second Amendment rights, the District must permit him to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home.”
Bolding mine
Nobody’s going to be going door-to-door confiscating anybody’s weapons, you just can’t go running around town with them. What is so outrageous about that?
It’s funny that you mention NO, because what I first thought of when I read the OP was the armed mobs formed in Algiers Point after Katrina. Not a particularly strong argument for guns in an emergency if you ask me.
So what this law means is that people won’t be allowed to go hunting, with guns, in a hurricane? Darnit!
Maybe the Executive Order is premature, but it’s not exactly suspending the constitution, unless it’s the meaning of ‘suspending’ that is ‘supporting.’
The people this is supposed to affect (meaning drunken morons who’ll use guns to rob, murder and cause mayhem) are not law abiding citizens! They don’t give a shit whether there’s a law saying they can’t have guns, they’ll carry them anyway. CCW holders have so many hoops to jump through they’re the most law abiding citizens you could find, and in some cases even more trustworthy than the police.
It’s statements like this that seem to suggest a certain level of paranoia among the gun-rights crowd.
Now, I will let you know right now that I own several guns and am neither a staunch anti-gun advocate nor a placard-waving NRA-type gun-nut. I’m not interested in a debate, but I do have a few honest questions. Sorry if they come off sounding snarky in any way, that’s not my intention.
That said, can someone explain to me the implied need to have their gun with them at all times? Do the gun-rights crowd really think that they’re constantly surrounded by drunken morons, robbers, murderers and mayhem-causers or is that just a convenient rallying cry?
What a misleading poll. First of all, all the governor did was declare a state of emergency, correct? And the law regarding what happens to gun rights was already on the books? So what you’re really saying is the governor should not have declared a state of emergency?
And second, how exactly does “No. I believe I have the right to defend my family, property, etc.” have anything to do with anything given that gun owners are allowed to keep their guns on their property to begin with?
I can imagine plenty of emergency scenarios in which I would find myself needing to travel to or from my home, to secure my own well-being or that of family and neighbors, and in which my own security during the trip–during a time when civil authorities have officially declared themselves “unable to maintain public order or afford adequate protection for lives or property”–would be particularly at risk.
But do you honestly believe there’s a realistic chance you’re going to have to go to war with your neighbors? Aren’t you exceedingly much more likely to be aiding each other in an emergency weather scenario?