Northern VA Multi-Birthday Dope Feb 15

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Please tell me this isn’t true!



Nope, 'tis true, I’m afraid.


I forgive you, I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:

[sub]Check your e-mail[/sub]


::: visualizes that Gregorian-chant and rock-combo thing for Pepsi Blue redone, with a counterpoint of “Go Rest High On That Mountain,” done by a Country group in somber suits, with “Mr. Roboto” :::

:::: shudders :::

::: goes back to Great Debates :::

Wonders of wonders, I am now an actual probable! An almost definite, in fact! Absolutely freaking likely! A near sure thing! I shall leave Casa de decamus early, and should anyone express the need, I will happily stop off at the Vienna Metro station in my four passenger vehicle to pick up as many as three other likely dopers. I will count on being there at the north end of the walkway from the Metro Station at precisely thirty minutes before the time declared the final actual real time for the thing. I will wait ten minutes after that, if needed.

I will stay as long as there are interesting folks still doing interesting things, or the folks who I bring are absolutely insistent that they must go now. That’s how it worked last time, anyway. Email me if you need a ride. (I am at hotmail) First come, best looking served. Er. . . well . . . nevermind.


I’m awfully near the Vienna Metro myself, so if you get to many ride-begger Tris, you can send 'em my way.

Man, one sentence and I have two misspellings and a grammar mistake. Need more coffee.

OH NOOOOooooooooOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!! Or am I jumping the gun here - this isn’t gonna mess us up, is it? I couldn’t bear it!! I’m living for this party!
[sub]OK, maybe not exactly, but I am looking forward to it. A bunch.[/sub]

Jeepers FCM, I know that your only goal in life is to see me int he flesh, but let’s not get all worked up about it, 'kay?

You’re going to be there in the flesh? I didn’t realize this was a clothing-optional event… :eek: Be still, my heart!!

You mean it’s NOT?

Wow, that could have been horribly embarrasing.

GIT back here you coward!

Ok they totally lost the reservation so it’s a good thing we had this problem!! The reservation is now for 35 at 3:30

So, ya gonna call them back tomorrow to make sure they don’t lose the reservation overnight?? Whose name is the reservation in?

Hee hee. My little sticky note with the info for this party grows ever ink-covered.

I am so excited about this. Last night, Boyfriend actually used the word “Doper” instead of “people from your message board”. I tell you, he’s learning… :smiley:

What happens when he realizes it’s actually pronounced, “bunch of loonies”?

BTW, I’m upgrading myself to “almost probably.”

With all due respect, mike, that’s “bunch of smartass loonies.”

You’ll fit right in. :slight_smile:

You may be an ass, RT.

I’m just smart.

Ok it’s only one week away!

OpalCat and small monster
GingerOfTheNorth and offspring-unit
RTFirefly and his woman
MsRobyn and not-so-small pink thing
Jonathan Chance, wife, and baby
FairyChatMom and spousal unit
Edward The Head
Lucretia and 1.5 children
Skerri and attachment
Jess and spousal unit
Wendell Wagner

**Maybe: **

Adult probables: 25
Child probables: 5.5
Adult maybes: 4
Child maybes: .5

Ginger: I shall be bringing yellow-fudge-marble with chocolate icing
FairyChatMom: I’ll bring a chocolate/chocolate cake
OpalCat: probably rice krispies treats :slight_smile:

How many high chairs will we need? Any other special accomodations we need? I have the reservation right now for 35.

Number 1 son has indicated through grunts and shrugs that he may deign to bless us all with his presence, so now I will be bringing anywhere from 0-3 offspring.