Nostradamus. How I am responding to the e-mails.

I’ve received the “two brothers Nostradamus prediction” from a couple of people. This is how I am responding in order to try to fight ignorance:

I encourage everyone who receives this “prediction” to reply to all recipients with this, or a similar, rebuttal.

Yep. I’ve been sending the Snopes link out for the last two days. Reply All.

I suppose I should expect to get this from the same guy who sends me “Missing child!” stuff.

I swear, he’d save himself SO MUCH TIME if he just bothered to check snopes.

I just “replied all” to almost three dozen people, in addition to the “reply alls” I’ve already sent out.


Johnny L.A., I’m nominating you for the Cecil Adams/SD award for Excellence In Fighting Ignorance. Well done, Sir!

Excellent timing - the my idiot cubemate came in spewing this stuff this morning - it was a pleasure to pass this info to him. Many thanks, Johnny L.A.!!

I can’t believe what I heard this morning. Harold Dow on CBS read the damned thing as a Nostradamus prophecy. All of it including the date part.


And the co-anchors reacted with shock and dismay…

How can we fight ignorance when they have ten million people watching them??? It’s just so frustrating…

BTW, I can’t get snopes up this morning…anyone else having trouble?


Oh no! Johnny L.A. accidentally brought down Snopes by emailing links to known spam distributors! The Humanity!

Oh, there it is. It was just slow. Must be getting a lot of hits.

Nice work, Johnny, that’s about to bouce out to a half dozen (plus reply-all) people.

I still doubt they’ll check Snopes next time they get some outlandish story, though.

Thanks. I was going to rebutt it myself anyway (to a coworker), but with web accessibility being questionable right now, couldn’t get to many sites to refute it…thanks for the help!

Snopes regulars have been having problems getting on…

We just got a fax in the newsroom this morning.

“I have never heard of this Nostradamus fellow before, but this seems significant.”


Thanks Johnny! I’ve gotten a couple of these emails in the past couple of days and while I regarded them with skepticism, I never checked snopes. Of course, I didn’t forward the emails either. I have since replied to the people sending me the email, and those included in the email, the link to the snopes site.

Hope you don’t mind, but I’ve pretty much copied and pasted your words (with a link back to this thread).

I’ve been replying with links to a Nostradamus website that said it wasn’t one of his quadrains, a link to snopes, and description of what Nostradamus’ works were written in (mixture of Languages, some parts backwards) and how easily open to interpretation they are.

Barbarian, this made me laugh out loud! Funniest thing I’ve seen in days. Thanks! :smiley:

Snopes is having problems, and I can’t find the page in the Google cache, but here’s another site:

Let’s also keep in mind that NYC is at or near the 40th parallel, not the 45th. May not seem like much, but it’s the difference between New York City and the northern borders of Vermont and New York State. The 45th parallel forms part of our border with Canada.

Thanks, Johnny. I’ve been getting requests for Nostradamus’s books all day at the reference desk where I work. I wondered what the hell was going on.

I’ve been hitting “reply all” for two days on this one also pointing out the the second part was written by someone else and the the descrepancy between his death date and the date noted on the prophecy. I swear I am invisible though. :confused: