Not goodbye but..

…See you later!

I don’t know if anyone cares, but I will be away from the board for about 2 weeks. I’m getting married this weekend! Then it’s off to Cancun for a week and a half for our honeymoon. So this thread is a good place to post congratulations, good wishes, attacks on my character, and anything else you’d like to post to feed my rabid egomania. See you in 2 weeks!

Oh, you can see the happy couple here.

Well, let me be the first on the MB to congratulate you and the future Mrs.

BTW, you :: do :: know what to do on the wedding night, right? <VEG>

Congratulations, and my condolences to your lovely wife. I’m sure that you’ll come around eventually. :smiley:

I’ll also throw in my congratulations.

And once you’ve been married long enough to “know the ropes” I’ll throw in a few condolences. :smiley:

Congrats!!! May you and your new bride share many wonderful years together.

Congrats!!Best wishes to both of you!
(Make sure you leave your hotel room at least once, so you’ll remember what Cancun LOOKED like when you get home ;)! )

Wahoo you dog…

Getting Married during Duck Season and Football season??? What greater tribute of your love does she want.

Congratulations and enjoy Cancun. Gazoo and I will hoist one in your honor at Partner’s this Saturday. (Okay we’ll host two, no five…)

Anyway good luck to you and your bride.

May heavens finest blessings shower down upon you!
(like they haven’t already!)

Hearty Congratulations all around.

Congratulations and have a great time in Cancun!

To Chief and the soon-to-be-Mrs Wahoo, congratulations, much luck and happyness to you. (Now get over there to Cancun and start working on the little Wahoos).

Congratulations to you and the soon-to-be-missus, Chief.

I hope you and Mrs. Wahoo will be very happy.

Many congratulations to both of you from me.







and your soon-to-be bride!


Congrats to you and your lovely bride.

BTW, what makes you think that the simple act of getting married and going on a honeymoon excuses you from posting? Get your priorities in order, man!

What great pictures!!!

Congrats to both of you.

Veel geluk toegewenst in jullie huwelijk!

(Many happiness wished upon your marriage! Don’t ask, it’s how we Dutch idiots express ourselves)

Your wife has beautiful eyes, Wahoo. Enjoy the honeymoon, and DO get out of Cancun from time to time. Visit the Mayan ruins of Chitzen Iza for example, it’s a 2 hour drive away.

And you’re still the man, maried or not. You played rugby with a decapitated goose. That alone makes you one of the coolest posters on these boards :slight_smile:


Congratulations, Chief! Best wishes to have a great time and many happy years to come!