… but I know things will get better.
They have to, because - in the words of some obscure poet - “Well, I been down so God-Damn long… that it looks like up to me!”
One of the highlights of the wedding last Saturday was getting to see my High School Best Friend, who I had not seen since D and I divorced that first time - so 28 years…
Anyway, the kind of service it was, required that the groom go down the aisle first, and so I did (but not before my sis-in-law told me to zip mah trous-ahs <FLASHBACK ALERT> “Ya don’t want mah trousahs to fall down, now ye?” <FLASHBACK ALERT>
As I was walking my ass down aforementioned aisle, I saw Gary, and all hell just broke loose right then and there, friends and neighbors.
I stopped in my tracks, started cryin’ and fartin’ (not really - this is just poetic justice - or whatever that shit’s called) and hugging the hell out of him and his wife!
What was I supposed to do when I saw my childhood friend???
So the ceremony got going, me and D got married (re-married), and as I told her last night (jokingly of course): “Ah, honey! It was worth re-marrying you just to get to see Gary again!”
You have to know her to know that she knows her Bill is going to go for the cheap laugh every time! She’s my bestest audience!
Why am I not having a good time right now?
Gary wants me to be a part of his music production company, and I would like that a lot, but I have no idea how much longer I can think in the real world, kiddos!
I just took a break from sitting outide on the patio, getting my fingers “calloused-up” again, by playing some easy stuff on the Takamine Jas…
What led me to come back inside and write y’all was that song: Sam Stone by John Prine.
I always use it to get myself “in range” after not having played and sung for a while, but this time it made me start crying and so I stopped and picked Wanted Man by Cash, and got my anger up a little.
This shit is like puberty, man!
Does any of this make sense?
Probably not, huh?