Plenty of people are racist. This is a fact, unfortunately. There are a myriad of ways to be racist. Anti black, anti white, anti asian, it is all bullshit but we have the word “racism” to descibe it.
Is there a term for people that discriminate on religion? Antisemitism is one but it is very specific.
What if I propose that I hate Tibetan Buddhists (I don’t), but what could I be accused of?
Like if I have a very strong, negative opinion about Zoroastrians, sure, that makes me a bigot
But we don’t seem to have a word for specific religious bigotry.
What would the word be?
I am goimg to try leave out the fact that I am atheist so as to remove that catch-all.
What does one call somebody who’s opposed to outdated belief systems that are an impediment to the advancement of scientific knowledge and a tool frequently used for social and political control?
It sure looks like this fits what the OP is looking for. But I don’t recall encountering the word before, so it may not work if you need a word that most people will recognize.
It’s a term that would need to be more widely recognised to be useful because based simply on form it could easily mean “someone who is favourable to religion”.
Well, I am a moderately militant atheist. I don’t mind religion if it is practiced in private and people who are religious do not expect me to adhere to their interpretation.
I kind of want to know what to name my own relationship with the religious people who do not mind their own business.
I mean, sure, I need to be more tolerant than I am, that much is obvious.
Religism does not have an entry at It’s not in my 1992 American Heritage Dictionary (unabridged), nor in my 2007 Webster’s New World College Dictionary. It does have 2 entries over at the urban dictionary, one by Russian cowboy and another by Shmeg1174. Russian Cowboy got 71 upvotes, while Shmeg1174 received 5. I smell a neologism.
Regarding the OP, I would use the terms anti-Buddhist, anti-Zoroastrian, or anti-religious depending upon context. If I liked one religion but abhorred all others I would be a chauvinist and likely a bigot. So if I was a Pastafarian chauvinistic bigot, I would advocate discrimination against all who did not worship His Noodly Appendages (while also being hypocritical, as the FSM espouses an all-embracing tolerance).