Note to Gym Users (Warning: Mild)

whiteboy, leg extensions are what I’m talking about. I’ve never done a leg press, so I’m not sure what I could do with it. My coworker was definitely talking about leg extensions.

Oh, well heck!! That’s a whole 'nother thing. 125 is pretty impressive. I’m only up to 90 at my highest rep on those.

That’s why I don’t believe my coworker does 150, 25 lbs more than my husband. Especially since she’s only had a weight machine for less than the six months she’s been exercising.

originaly by : mhendo

I see I struck a nerve. I guess the weakling comment hit a little too close to home. If it makes you feel better, I dont make anyone uncomfortable at the gym. I can say that because I dont speak to any of them if it can be avoided. I dont give out advice or tips or supplement ideas. I just keep my head down, my weights up , and my mouth shut. If everyone in the gym did the same I wouldnt have anything to complain about.

Meatheads are the ones that get me. Yup, I’m scrawny, and yup, I can only bench 100lbs. That’s why I’m at the gym. Stop giving me that look like I don’t deserve to be there, or I may have to crack this bar across your steroid-inflated head.

One thing that I like, though: People that help me if I’m doing something wrong. I will never get upset over this. If I’m lifting in a manner that will cause me to throw out my back or blow out a knee, by all means, let me know.

Our university rec center is way too small for peak hours though. I’m going to have to start getting there at 6 a.m. when they open to actually use all of the weights I need.

Driving and taking a call is bad enough. Now, you’re so important that you can’t use the adductor/abductor machine without your little surrogate phaser in case the Pentagon needs you.

I agree with you except for this one. As far as I’m concerened, the more people who pay for memberships and never show up, the better. That way I get the gym to myself, while the gym makes enough money to stay open. Everyone wins! Well, everyone who matters, that is.

Others have already mentioned it, but I have to add my own $.02: The couples (as I call them) bug me to no end. Absolutely inseparable, #1 watches while #2 lifts, then a five-minute break for #2 to catch his breath, discuss form, the weather, penis length, etc., then switch for #1 to lift while #2 watches. Repeat through three reps and move to the next machine after having tied up a station for over 20 minutes.

And to the idjit doing the lat pull-downs: you’re supposed to use your upper body to pull the bar down in a controlled fashion, bracing with your legs if necessary. You’re not supposed to dangle from the bar and let your body weight pull down more than you can control, then get yanked back up in the air as the plates come crashing back down. You look like some idiotic wind-up toy, you’re not getting any benefit from it, and you’re a danger to anyone walking near the machine. What’s more, one of these days you’re going to either break the plates or get your arms yanked out of their sockets. Knock it off.

This is something that I LOVE about my gym. They have like 9 tvs on the wall, each on a different channel, but NO SOUND. Under each one is an FM frequency, and you can tune your walkman to that to get the sound.

I can definitely agree with all of the complaints here. Fortunately, I don’t go to the gym until 9:30 or so, and all of the unpleasant folks have disappeared by then. Definitely cool.

My gym does the same thing during peak hours. My pet peeve is when the person acts annoyed when they’re still on the machine after their time’s up and you’ve gotta let them know.

Use yer friggin’ timer and get off the pot when time’s up!

I walk into the weightroom and <sigh> there they are again.
No, not the same exact group of 15-to-19-year-olds, but a similar group nontheless.

Okay guys, here’s the thing.

-Don’t hog the stations
-Don’t rest on the benches.
-Don’t show off.
-Don’t point-and-laugh at someone lifting less than you
-Don’t you DARE take that shirt off.
-Don’t see “who can lift more” or let me hear you say “Hey, watch this!”.
-Don’t look at the “old guy”(me) and roll your eyes when I rack up a LOT more weight than you just lifted. I’ve been doing this longer than you’ve been ALIVE. I can lift it, and in proper form, too!

-Do read and obey that list of rules you signed. We’ll ALL be happier.
-Do listen to the trainer. He’s here for a reason.
-Do rack your weights afterward.

Oh yeah, one final thing…
Please, put them BOTH to use on the station you just left…NOW.

whiteboy - I am pleased you retracted your “bullshit” comment because I don’t bullshit. Funnily enough, “whiteboy” was my nickname when I worked in the Bahamas.

I said, “So I am at the gym and make my way to the inclined leg press machine.”

At the time I weighed 135 pounds (almost 0 body fat) and was able to do a full press with 800 pounds which was just 10 pounds shy of 600% of my weight. It wasn’t a world record, just a club record that I am sure has been broken by another wiry little guy or gal who has no idea of what their limits are and has no respect for their joints. Ask me about my knees sometime… :frowning:

I’ve always had people wonder how a little guy like me can lift so much… perhaps the fact that I used to train 4-6 hours a day 6 days a week had something to do with it.

It wasn’t all weights, I also taught karate, rode my bike 40 miles a day, and swam just about every morning. Quite a few of my jobs involved intensive physical labour as well so most of my day was a workout.

People who think that small equals weak have always pissed me off whether they were at the gym or in day to day life.

I don’t think you can compare the amount of weight people can lift if they are not using the same exact machine. Many machines are geared differently so you could have a leg extension machine which lifts the plates only 1 inch in the air over a full range of motion versus another machine which lifts the plates 2 feet in the air. You could “lift” a lot of weight with the former machine that would be impossible with the latter one.

Ummm, sometimes I’m on call for classified work where I am, by contract, required to be immediately available by cell phone on my “on call” days.

I don’t stand there and chat though, I get off the machine and go out to the lobby. If someone stays on the cell phone and idly gossips to someone on the other end, that’s another story, but just getting a call? Or keeping your phone with you?

There are some doctors and others in my gym who seem to be under similar contractual obligations.

Don’t be so quick to judge, maybe those people aren’t just trying to be pompous and officious (meant in the nicest way).

*Originally posted by CanvasShoes *
**Ummm, sometimes I’m on call for classified work where I am, by contract, required to be immediately available by cell phone on my “on call” days.

I don’t stand there and chat though, I get off the machine and go out to the lobby. If someone stays on the cell phone and idly gossips to someone on the other end, that’s another story, but just getting a call? Or keeping your phone with you?

There are some doctors and others in my gym who seem to be under similar contractual obligations.

Don’t be so quick to judge, maybe those people aren’t just trying to be pompous a

Yes, but odds are that the late teens or early twenty-somethings who seem to be the worst offenders are not doctors or on call for top secret work.

Hit submit too soon…

As long as you’re not doing 1000 reps with 2 pounds while you chat on your cell phone, I’m not going to get upset.

people are “built” different too…remember back to high school physics? fulcrums, levers, distance from fulcrum, etc? A 50 pound arm curl is a lot harder for a person with long arms than short stubby one…

i’m on board with the people who hate the cell phones. Yeah, there might be one person out of 200 that is on call and needs to have it but 99.9% are people trying to look cool. How a cell phone accomplishes that is beyond me.

Mmmm, yes, but I think I addressed that with my disclaimer of (paraphrased) "not if they are just idly gossiping while on the machine.

Plus, lol, I’m not top secret clearanced, merely contract scum working on a classified contract for “A Gov’t Agency”. There are several levels of classified, the highest being Top Secret (I think?), the ones up to top secret? I have no idea, maybe Airmen Doors can tell us.

I was with you until this one (and was with you after this one). But I love those women.