Note to the news media: It's not a fucking miracle (miner related)

First, let me say that I’m elated that 12 of 13 miners have been reportedly found alive. The fact that it was unexpected makes it that much happier. They were indeed fortunate, resourceful and tough, and the will and determination of their rescuers- even at their own personal risk- was inspiring.

Having said that…

That’s bullshit. That cheapens the efforts of the survivors, it diminishes the heroism of the rescuers and most of all, it pisses on the body of the guy that didn’t make it. There was nothing supernatural involved here. Quit trying to insert magic where it doesn’t belong. These guys were saved by HUMAN EFFORT, their own and their rescuers’. Give credit where credit is due.

I know a lot of the townfolk are using this kind of religious language as well. Well fuck them too. If Jesus saved these guys then why didn’t he save the guy that died? Hmm? Was he not a good enough person? Did his family not pray hard enough? If anything you should be pissed at God for not stopping the explosion in the fisrt place.

The rescuers are the real heroes here. Jesus had fuck all to do with it.

I get annoyed with that, too. Jon Stewart brought that up last fall when the pilot and rescuers got that cripple planeload of passengers off with no fatalities. I forget the flight.

This country’s media sure do anthropomorphizing some distant God intervening directly in the lives of people, don’t it?

Can I pretend this is me in a kofi? -----------> ;j

Why do you hate Jesus so much? :slight_smile:

If any of the miners are Jewish, do we still thank Jesus?

And is anything Jesus does by definition a miracle? What about when he steals hubcaps from cars?

But on a serious note, I too hate it when every. single. thing. positive that happens is declared a MIRACLE! by Rita Cosby or whatever other empty-head happens to have the camera’s attention at the moment.

Because he never chips in for beer and always bogarts the weed

I guess the rescuer named Jesus Montoya won’t like this thread very much.

Hear hear. People pull this all the time and like the Op said, why didn’t God care about the one who He let die? or all the other millions in the world who don’t qualify for a a miracle? I had first heard the miners were older and been mining a while so were knowledgable about what to do in case of emergency. Its a true hero story for the miners and the rescuers. I won’t even dare to take a look at the 700 Club to see what they would say.

I hate this idiocy, too. ‘We’re objective and unbiased, and the objective, unbiased truth is that this is a miracle! No, we’re not just trying to tug your heartstrings- this is journalism!’ :smack:

I have equal disdain for the ilk of people who choose to say “God was on our side” after a team victory.

examples here and here

So God is dislikes the other team? God is suddenly on your side for that particular football game and not previous ones?

Having been to Upshur County, WV myself a few times, I seriously doubt any miners working there are Jewish.

It’s a relief to know 12 of the miners are alive. I hope this incident brings more focus to safety violations as it likely will.

God actually, truly, really, hates Notre Dame! :wink:

Touchdown Jesus is not on good terms with his daddy

Or, more likely won’t, did you see any real stories about mine safety this week?

Ditto. They will throw some blame around for about 1.5 news cycles, then forget about it, because after all, that is more Big Gummit Regu’malation. I’m sure we can trust the market forces and their invisible hand to fix whatever problems the industry has.

I agree that it cheapens the word “miracle” to use it to refer to every long-shot occurence. But unfortunately, the word has apparently been dumbed down enough that it now includes non-supernatural occurences:

So while I agree that this usage is not ideal, it appears to be technically correct according to contemporary dictionaries.

I am very grateful for the training of the rescuers - and those who trained them. I am grateful for the knowledge and experience of the miners who survived.

It hacks me off to hear it called a “miracle”. It was very fucking hard work, knowledge, experience and luck. However, you only hear 'luck" praised when someone wins at a gambling table.

No wonder Coyote is pissed.

Well, why don’t you link one of these stories so I can read it? I don’t know what specific stories you have in mind, but I have read about the many (about 200 IIRC) violations reported at the Tallmansville mine in 2005 alone. I have read about mines and mine safety all my life. I grew up in WV and I also have a college roommate studying mining engineering. The incident this week will bring (or has brought) much attention to mine safety (again). I agree (as you seem to imply) that this does not likely mean the attention will result in any significant changes in the safety in small mines.

I’m no expert in mine safety but OTOH am no stranger to reading about it, either.

On a more somber note, it seems right now the news is growing more grim about the 12 miners.

It has nothing to do with the teams or the players. It’s all about whether God is taking the points or laying the points.

…okay, this story is about to get real ugly real fast. Apparently, only one miner survived…link when I find it…

Whoever fucked this story up is in for one hell of a pit thread pretty soon.


Someone in FARK said it:

“Dear News Organizations: Stop reporting every damn rumor you hear and DO YOUR JOB. People don’t need to be jerked around like this.”