Nothing But Net: Recordholder?

He managed to go from zero to banned in a mere ninety posts, or seven days. Bravo, NBN! Is he the record?

I doubt it. Some sock puppets have been banned before they’ve even had the chance to post.

I think there was a spammer recently who got banned faster with fewer posts (I can’t find the thread cause the board’s being slow), but I don’t know if that counts. If it does, then he’s probably not the record-holder.

I find it ever so ironic that his last words were, “At this point I don’t care what happens to you now, assfuck!”

TubaDiva, have I mentioned how much I worship you from afar? :smiley:

And yes, I’ve also seen people banned quicker than that.


Some have been faster and some have been slower . . . and what does it matter?

The saddest part in all of this is that in the case you mentioned, it didn’t have to be that way . . . well, I guess it did because that’s the way it happened, but we did give them every chance and they just didn’t/couldn’t see it.

However, there’s lotsa message boards in cyberspace and perhaps they’ll be happier in some other community. It’s like the neighborhood bar; you find the one you’re comfortable with and that’s where you hang.

your humble TubaDiva

:fighting the urge to start singing the Cheers theme:

No BooBoo, as I’ve said before, this is the place where nobody knows your name


I dunno 'bout you, Spree, but (a) I wouldn’t take that as an insult, and (b) I’d take him up on it! :smiley:

Mine’s in my profile. I think I can also guess what John Corrado’s and Lynn Bodoni’s names are. And there are several others whose names I have happened to learn.

Yes, yes. Trust a literalist to ruin a good joke.

Anyway, I don’t think that anybody knows my name. Except a few people. Only a few though, honest.


NYARGH! THAT was my one thousanth post? IDIOT!

I was going to post a lovely essay about my experiences here, what I’ve learned and how it has changed me. It would have been beautiful. You would have cried.

But now look what you made me do.


Good for you. :slight_smile:

Congrats compadre. You post that heartwarmer yet?

So pleased to be having a Post Party here in the ATMB - the happiest forum of them all.

There’s mini-cornish pasties in the oven warming up, and once I’ve unfolded the trestle table I’ll put the twiglets into bowls. We’ve got Babycham, Scrumpy, Bass and Real Ale (All Beer Served Warm of course) , probably), and lots of other UK favourites.

Congratulations you old pommy bastard - you really are one in a million, and you always make me laugh.

[takes off pants, puts on pathetic paper hat out of last christmas’ cracker with “KISS ME QUICK” written in the front, blows paper whistle, sets up whoopee cushions all around room, commences Kenneth Williams impressions]

No, stop messin’ about! 'Ere I say! 'Ullo, I’m Julian and this is my friend Sandy etc etc

Bolding mine

Is your first name Peter?


ps: Congrats on 1000.

Ha! No, it isn’t Peter!

Aw, yer all so sweet.

Gunslinger - cheers.

White Lightning - no heartwarmer I’m afraid. As I said, I missed my chance.

But as at 1 August, I’ll have been registered exactly 1 year. Maybe I’ll celebrate that with a magnus opus instead.

Redboss - you could pass as a pom suspiciously well. I think you’re faking this whole Aussie queen schtick and are really a spotty home counties nerd, stealing mummy’s Babycham when she’s not looking.

I’m feeling really rather happy today. Hoorah.


Well, you’ve still got twelve posts to go before you hit 1K, so maybe you can celebrate that.

[sub]…waiting another 47 years for Y2K to roll around…[/sub]

But really, my favorite, almost instantaneous banning was in this thread.

What a riot. I laughed myself sick


May I present:

the Coldfire appreciation thread


the Coldfire appreciation thread spin-off Part I


the Coldfire appreciation thread spin-off Part II


Coldfire is an ass, oops that one’s heembo’s. Wait a second. Hmmm…

Dammit, dammit, dammit. First of all, those ‘spin-off’ links no longer work. So I assume I got here just as the threads in question were being deleted. And secondly, GingerOfTheNorth beat me to it in the original Coldfire thread. I’m gonna post this anyway, though, because… well, because I am.
[sub]Because, dammit, you can’t make me look like a fool! I’m gonna![/sub]

I think our now-departed sock-puppet hits the all time record for mayfly existance: Approximately 20 minutes, and 6 posts. Sorry, jarbabyj, but *SexNazi is still listed as a member, while heembo’s sock can’t even be searched-up, less than an hour after his first post.

I think we have a winner.