Now that I'm vaxxed, is Covid just another cold/flu/no big deal

All the unbelievably stupid people? Do you have a flu vaccine every year? If you’re young and not at risk then probably you didn’t. What’s the difference? Apart from the world’s media ramming covid down our throats.

I have sympathy for all the poor people with cancer or other genuinely dangerous and unavoidable illnesses who have been neglected because of this Asian flu virus.

Risk of vaccine is tiny but still side effects more risky for young people than covid. Key workers have to work all year and pay back extra tax for next 50 years for everyone sitting at home. Why should they get the vaccine if they don’t want?
Maybe like me they resent all handling of this cold virus, it hurt so many people with cancer or illnesses, I don’t want anything to do with vaccines or garbage spouted by these people who have made all the decisions.