Now that there's zero threat to gun ownership will the price of guns go down?

Just curious. Gun stocks fell precipitously post election now that the pressure to gobble up guns before the Dems took office is effectively a non-issue. Per supply and demand will this loss of political pressure to hurry up and buy cause guns to go on sale more if buying velocity is reduced?

Gun stocks take a hit after election

Shares of gun manufacturers took a big hit Wednesday morning, after news that Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election.

See, I was hoping for more hysteria to drive the prices up. I want to sell several…

What with the fearful stocking up on weapons to ward off the Trump Holocaust/Apocalypse, I’d expect gun prices to rise.


This affords the relatively gunless Left the motive and opportunity to achieve parity with the (arguably) overgunned Right.

Mr. Head-of-DNC, we cannot allow a home arsenal Gap!!

meh everyone is still getting it wrong imho.
there might be a dip in prices until trump starts making serious noises about taking guns. As much as I dislike Hillary, I think she was too experienced and politically wise, to try that right now, but trump I’m not so sure about.

So yeah, I think it might do just what the op is asking if it will do, temporarily.

Zero threat? There are still state laws.

Does the price of anything ever go down?

There are only 6 states with a Democratic legislature and governor. I don’t think any other state can pass any additional gun control laws.

Sure it does. Real estate and food, for one.
As far as guns, I’m not sure about actual weapons, but the cost of ammo definitely fluctuates after elections.

Yay, 6.

I think the republicans have a trifecta in 25 states. Good times. There is some suggestion that conservatives control enough state governments to start amending the federal constitution. But we will see.

I hope gun prices go down. I’m considering a pump shotgun or an AR style assault rifle.

I’ll be thankful to see Ammo return to the shelves.

So many places are out of stock. They get some in and it’s bought up fast.

I love target shooting. Don’t do it as much because the ammo costs so much.

Did the price of guns go up before? Gun manufacturers stock prices have to do with predicted volume of sales not the price of the guns.

More like stock price is based on the manufacturers’ sales volumes in dollars. Which is quantity times wholesale price.

I don’t know for a fact, but it’s a good bet the retailers aren’t capturing 100% of the demand-driven price spikes. Wholesale prices move slower and less. But they’ve almost certainly spiked as well.

Here’s an NPR story on how gun sales already seem to be going soft with the Trump win: With Trump Win, Gun Sellers See Win — And Loss : NPR

In terms of real buying power the price of almost everything is lower today than 50 years ago.

Man, if the NRA is really the lobbying arm of the big gun manufacturers, they sure fucked up by stumping so hard for Trump.

No; at least not by very much. The people who supported/drove prices up are thinking more in terms of the back-lash during the next Democrat-lead administration. Ammo prices may come down a little easier but even there I don’t see too much of a drop.

(And I still see a good future of price raises for pre-1898 stuff – shooting/working firearms that are not registered and not legally classified as firearms.)

The whole thing is so stupid. Eight years of Obama and was there even one average citizen who had a gun taken away? Ridiculous hysteria.

That’s the ticket:

The sky is still falling!! The sky is still falling!! Just slightly slower than before. The sky is still falling!!

That’s a pitch made to order for the paranoid / reactionary mindset.

I have a friend who’s an NRA member. The organization’s warnings to members about electing Obama in 2008 and 2012 were laughably, incredibly overblown.