Now what will I do with the plutonium?

I was reading through my renter’s insurance policy and found this:

…in a state so nonintuitive it can only be called weird…

You could try selling to NewtonsApple/FormerAgent. I am sure he would love to get some hands on plutonium to aid his … snicker … plans of revenge on David and I. I am sure by know they have drooled sufficiently over any insurance policy they may have rendering it illegible anyway.

Sorry! Only meant to blow up that one thing…

…but when you get blue, and you’ve lost all your dreams, there’s nothing like a campfire and a can of beans!

Anyone else find Ace’s post/sig combination…interesting?

Your Official Cat Goddess since 10/20/99.

“[A]gainst stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.” --J.C.F.S. as quoted by H.M.

Please note that I was not the one who upgraded the effects of beans on a certain physiology to nuclear weapons class…

Though, of course, in keeping with standard national security policy, I can neither confrim nor deny any reports of weapons of mass destruction, whether they be nuclear, chemical, biological or otherwise, on, about, or otherwise related to my person.

…but when you get blue, and you’ve lost all your dreams, there’s nothing like a campfire and a can of beans!

Doesn’t say anything about atomic weapons, though.

I wonder just how they determine what kind of bomb it was anyway.

Studying this strip and its sequelae may aid in answering this question.

It is often said that “anything is possible”. In fact, very few things are possible, and most of them have already happened.