This question was suggested by an earlier thread involving embarrasing moments.
Although almost by definition the nude body is usually not a turn- on to residents of nudist camps, I imagine that occasionally a man standing around talking to a group of people is visably turned-on by one of his co-campers. What does nudist camp etiquette say the others should say or do when they notice this?
There are various views of the “male embarassment problem.” Some take the view that the guy should cover himself. E.g., roll over, drape a towel. Others take the view that it’s natural and don’t worry about it. Whatever you do, don’t start dancing around and attracting attention to the situation.
I have to say (as a woman, understand) that in over 8 years of going to “clothing optional” festivals, I’ve never seen an erection outside my tent. Now, clothing optional means that lots of people wear clothes, unlike a “nudist camp”, but I’ve still seen plenty of penes over the years. However men are handling the problem as it comes up (ha!) seems to be working.
It should be noted that teenagers (the group I assume would have more of a problem with this) don’t go skyclad. There’s no rule against it or anything, but they all hit an age and put their clothes on for a few years all on their own. The oldest young kids I’ve seen skyclad are my just-developing-breasts goddaughters (13 and 11), and that was only in the swimming pool this year. They chose to cover up the rest of the time for the first time this year, and they were both pretty die-hard nudists up until now.
The thing is, it’s really hard to believe or imagine the truth: it’s generally not sexy. No, I’m not shitting you, it really isn’t. Even that gorgeous, lithe 20something, while beautiful, is not “sexy” unless she wants to be. There’s an undefinable difference - maybe the way she suddenly starts to walk, or a look, or something, that changes when she wants to be sexy, and she’s not (if she’s a decent person) going to throw that energy around willy-nilly. I’ve never been *aroused *by even the hunkiest of beefcake walking around skyclad - appreciative, yes, but not aroused.
And frankly, most of the cake - beef and cheese - covers up. Most of the skyclad are older or…curvier than the general ideal, shall we say.
But for those occasions when an uprising is inevitable, people generally politely ignore it. It’s one thing to get an erection. Very different if you start using it.
So I went to my eye doctor and he says, Bob, you’re going to have to stop masturbating, and I says, Doc, am I going blind? and he says, No, it’s just making me very uncomfortable.
It’s a Wiccan term, coined by Gerald Gardner or one of his close followers. They believed that in order to be as close to God and Goddess as possible during rituals, the participants should be naked - or, if you are outside, “clad” only in the “sky”.
It’s sort of hippiespeak these days, as it’s spread from the Wiccans to infect the rest of the neopagans.
Even if the people involved are not particularly sexy (whether inherently, or by virtue of “not turning it on”), males in the prime of life will not uncommonly get an erection for no particular reason whatever. Not as often as when there’s some clear stimulus, of course, but it’d still happen from time to time.
Unrelated: A cop’s on patrol in a nudist camp, and the chief radios him. He says “Nothing to report, Chief, but my badge is killing me.”.
No, no, I’m asking for ME. How do I pretend I don’t notice a huge chunk of metal sticking out of my friend’s penis? It sorta catches the eye, you know? But I feel like, if I don’t want him staring at my tits, I shouldn’t stare at his schlong.
And yes, I’m being a bit facetious. Most of the time, it’s not a big deal, but once in a while (like in the “I did not need to see that” thread), genital piercings are rather attention grabbing…so they get attention. I just try to make it a quick glance and not a :eek: face.
Just get right down there and examine the jewlery and openly admire it. Seems crass to draw attention to something that, by common agreement, is not to be attended to.