Nurse Jackie - The Finale

All in all, a fairly weak episode. How the heck are they going to continue the story, given Jackie’s final scene (which seemed crafted for the eventuality of non-renewal)? Hopefully, next season won’t be like the transition from last season, when they just ignored the overdose story from season one.

I’m afraid that just might be what happens. I’m thinking next season flashes forward a few months and we see Jackie leaving rehab, having fooled everyone.

Anyway, I liked it. At least she did get busted.

Should we assume Thor took care of the dealer problem, and that’s done now?

God was a funny gag.

I thought it was an ok final, but not great. I give Falco credit, though. I never thought I could look at her and not think “Carmella Soprano”, but she’s managed to pull it off, even as she carried on a season-long affair with the Sopranos “Father Jughead”. Amazing.

Still, she’s impossible to like, and I’m not sure how well the show is doing or will continue to do when the main character isn’t someone that the audience has any empathy for at all. Any word on a Season 3?

Refresh my memory - how did last season end?

THAT’s where I’ve seen the actor before!

I can’t believe that being decked by a nurse would stop a drug pusher with a vendetta, but odder things have happened on the show. However, this is what I thought Jackie was going to say when confronted: “Listen, you creep. When you are rushed to the ER, your clothes and personal possessions are taken and put into a bag. Standard operating procedure. So we would have found all those drugs and would have been compelled, by law, to call the cops. With the amount you had on you, your ass would have been looking at 10 years of mandatory jail time. So I took them and threw them away. You should be thanking me instead of threatening me because I was HELPING you, you self-absorbed asshole.”

I actually liked the finale because I thought they’d drag the storylines out forever. I don’t know how long Falco has signed on, but I’m thinking three seasons would be just about right to tell Nurse Jackie’s story. I wonder if they plan on redeeming her at some point, or if they plan on pulling a “Leaving Las Vegas” and just giving us a slice of some fucked up random person’s life.

My husband only watches glimpses of it. When we watched the season finale, he said, “Okay, so she’s a drug addict, a liar, a crappy mom, a thief, AND a cheater. Wow, what a woman.”

Well, the dance scene with Thor helped humanize Jackie a bit.

I cheered when Kevin FINALLY called O’hara.

Zoe & ambulance guy were great. Getting caught by Eddie was funny. Then getting busting in the chapel was funny.

There was a lot of great stuff this ep, involving the other characters and that’s what keeps me watching the show. It doesn’t overdo it with Jackie and all her drama.

Man, the ending was cold though.

He also had a bit part in “Mad Men” as a hobo in one of Don Draper’s flashbacks.

I’m an ER nurse who’s just gotten into this show and wanted to debunk the OD thing. I watched the scene twice, and Jackie takes 30 mg of morphine and ingests it orally. Morphine suffers significant hepatic first pass losses when taken orally, at least half and probably more. Someone that is opiate tolerant can handle 10-15 mg of morphine, absorbed slowly, without ODing, you might just think they were a little off (‘I’m so tired today and I think I’m getting the flu’).

I’ll tell you about the pt who walked out of my ER after 80mg of IV morphine in 1 hour sometime, if you like.

The bigger issue, IRL, would be that she took the morphine out all at once and under her own name, when it doesn’t show up on a pts chart they’ll be some questions raised. Of course it was a new system so there might me some wiggle room.